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Happy Birthday to you, I was created for you. [Storyline][Epic][L]

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Happy Birthday to you, I was created for you. [Storyline][Epic][L] Empty Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:01 pm


Name: Happy Birthday to you, I was created for you.

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Karisa, Partial participants

Story: A story that explains what leads up to the storyline and why the storyline is happening. Some background information etc. For Long and Epic storylines, mention in detail of how the plot affects the site.

  • Explain about the unknown song that has been cry and singing to her ears through the night and days recently.
  • Spend time with Dae-Seong before leaving into the unknown if he is not mad at her.
  • Find a crew and sail away to Talaz, Kyu is joining the travels and Dae-Seong is going to Sin to try to get his name out there for his larger goals.
  • Be guided by Guards and venture Talaz while waiting to meet with the leaders and scientists.
  • While this is happening, Karisa will try to use their bond to communicate, Dae-Seong going to help citizens of Sin first.
  • Meet with them and get them all to agree to help, bargin if she must as she finds it important to get into space no matter what. She knows it will be the first spaceship to go into the high space itself.
  • As this is happening, Dae-Seong caught the interest of one of the Lords of Sin's people, requesting assistance in exchange for good word. Eye for an eye.
  • Build the spaceship alongside the Scientists that are qualified for it.
  • While this is happening, Dae-Seong would do whatever the Lord requested him to do, obviously something important, right?
  • Prepare and fly out and witness the stars and galaxy.
  • Dae-Seong gained an ally from a lord and due to such, he is told that it is best to learn everything there is to know about Sin, including the history. 
  • Kyu will travel back from this forward on as Dae-Seong and Kyu were left on Earth. Kyu will witness that Dae-Seong left Fiore.
  • Get sucked into the void where the voice is singing from.
  • See a gigantic Tree that glows and an unknown being.
  • Turns out that she becomes starving, the God Tree beckons her to kill and sacrifice something, gifting her something in return, something she is meant to be.
  • Once dead, she becomes something else, something different as she feels her mind shatter. Asirak and Karisa now must fight each other, Karisa's self.
  • Karisa felt lost as she floated within the voice, dreaming, sleeping and trying to find Dae-Seong with their sacred bond.

Name: Space Bound

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong

Summary: Karisa plans on telling Dae-Seong that she has to go on a Journey alone so he can continue one his path to stardom. She feels that she should be honest with him and tell him that something in the sky is calling out to her and she needs to go somewhere to find out what it is. How will this turn out?

Others: -

Enemies: -

  • Inform Dae-Seong about what is about what has been happening
  • Tell him about leaving for an adventure
  • Promise to come back alive

Name: Heartache every moment

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong

Summary: Karisa knew she had to leave no matter the outcome of the conversation as she wanted to try her best to enjoy her moments while she could. She knew she'd come back to him and now with the soul bond, they could communicate through their dreams and love.

Others: -

Enemies: -

  • Resolve any issues
  • Dependant on the participant

Name: Sail Away: Talaz/Sin

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong [As Kyu]

Summary: Since Karisa cannot fly there or have a mount, she has to go by a boat. She sails off while talking to people who have been there before or know things about Talaz and their leaders. Meanwhile, Dae-Seong leaves to Sin

Others: Ship Crew

Enemies: -

  • Get with a crew
  • Get on the boat
  • Sail through the sea to get to Talaz while Dae-Seong goes to Sin

Name: City of Technology/Longtivity

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong [As Kyu]

Summary: Karisa finally got to Talaz's city enterance. She was stopped as she was asked questions, and then taken to the hotel she will be staying till she can talk to someone about talking to the leaders. While this is happening, Dae-Seong is not yet fully known in Sin so he must go around and help the people, perhaps he can see if there are problems in Sin that needs a  hand.

Others: Guards/Citizens

Enemies: ?

  • Be Escorted to the Hotel
  • Enjoy the stay and look around
  • Communicate with Dae-Seong through the bond to check on him
  • Karisa will have Kyu accompanying her
  • Dae-Seong will be helping around Sin, perhaps the citizens are a good place to start. At least that is Karisa's opinion.

Name: Come Undone

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong [As Kyu]

Summary: Karisa finally got to Talaz's main city as she was escorted to where she will be meeting the Leaders of Talaz. She felt anxious about it, but knew she must do whatever to go to whatever is beckoning her. Karisa needs to say and do whatever it takes to make the leaders of Talaz's companies help her build a spaceship that goes beyond expectations, promising them things. Meanwhile, Dae-Seong will catch the attention of the Lord as he requests Dae-Seong's assistance.

Others: Talaz/ Associates

Enemies: -

  • Be escorted to the meeting
  • Talk to them about why their assistance is needed
  • Bargain
  • Dae-Seong will go see what this unknown lord needed.
  • He'll find out that it'd help him increase fame in Sin.

Name: We're Going On A Rocket Ship

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong [As Kyu]

Summary: Karisa is finally together with people to build the first spaceship that is made to go through the space past the moon and onward. She helps build it to perfection with Talaz. Her mind was thinking of Dae-Seong as she continued with this plan. Dae-Seong goes and meets with the Lord and talks to them.

Others: Scientists

Enemies: NA

  • Start to talk about the schematics of the ship
  • Help build and design it
  • Get ready to get in it.
  • Meanwhile, Dae-Seong will be told what he needs assistance in, rather important. He'll end up doing so. 

Name: Je te pardonne

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong [As Kyu]

Summary: The Space ship is finally ready as she gets ready to get on it. She had everything prepared and now it was time for Talaz see their work go up into space and to the moon. It is written as the first. Meanwhile, Dae-seong was told what the Lord wanted from him. He decided to game fame here, it'd be best to get the side of a Lord that was close to the Emporer, at least one of them.

Others: -

Enemies: Astroids and comets flying towards/Unknown

  • Lift Off
  • Destroy anything in the way, she will try, but it gets too much.
  • Dae-Seong goes and does what was requested of him, no matter the danger or simple.

Name: Life On The Moon

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong

Summary: An unknown phenomenon happens as the song she tracks gets louder as a vortex of darkness opens up. The space ship gets devoured by it, her included. She finds herself in the unknown on a land in front of a giant tree and there was something, someone there!

Others: Void?, Unknown being

Enemies: -

  • FLy through space and experience chaos
  • Wreck onto land of an unknown land or planet
  • Witness an unknown being and a Tree that was giant.
  • Explore.
  • Dae-Seong gained an ally from a lord and due to such, he is told that it is best to learn everything there is to know about Sin, including its history. 

Name: My Heroine

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong?


Others: God Tree

Enemies:  Unknown being

  • The God Tree will introduce itself and tell you why she was here.
  • Karisa starts to feel starving and hunger as she gazes at the unknown being.
  • The God Tree informs Karisa what must be done to live and become what she is meant to be.
  • Fight the unknown being.
  • Kyu and Dae-Seong will find each other.

Name: Beautiful Monster

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong?

Summary: Karisa gazed at the unknown being that was not so far from her. She heard voices free the unknown God Tree, voicing her to sacrifice the unknown being she had no clue about. Once finished, the unexpected happens.

Others:  God Tree

Enemies:  Unknown being: Part II

  • Finish killing and sacrificing the unknown being
  • Sacrifice her to the tree
  • The God Tree does something unexpected.
  • Dae-Seong will feel something is going on with Karisa while he is in Sin

Name: Pieces

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong?

Summary: Being told by the God Tree of what happened, she gets told newly things. Unsure of what she is anymore, she felt herself scattered to many pieces, feeling alone and lost, but then as she opened her eyes, she saw herself, ready to fight her.

Others: God Tree

Enemies: Herself - Asirak

  • Listen to the God Tree
  • Feel sanity drop
  • Asirak, herself forms as she has to fight herself, Karisa.
  • Dae-Seong does things the whole day, once it was night time, he'd then hear a song coming from the night, only they could hear it. 
  • It'll make them want to get ready for bed.

Name: Not Alone

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Karisa, Dae-Seong

Summary: Although trapped in the void and space, she slumbers in the dreams and memories that they share. She doesn't feel alone because she felt him always with her, carrying her through it all in his way, not letting her go.

Others: -

Enemies: -

  • Search through her dreams and try to find him
  • Find him before it is too late as she fears of waking up, never getting a chance again to dream.
  • Dependant on participant

Regular Rewards
Mythic Custom [Karisa only]

Happy Birthday to you, I was created for you. [Storyline][Epic][L] Sigme10

Happy Birthday to you, I was created for you. [Storyline][Epic][L] Empty Fri Feb 09, 2024 8:24 am

This storyline is approved to start.


Happy Birthday to you, I was created for you. [Storyline][Epic][L] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:08 pm


  1. Space bound [S] 
  2. Heartache Every Moment [S]
  3. Sail Away [S]
  4. Tech/longevity
  5. come undone
  6. Rocketship
  7. Je te pardonne (Means:  I forgive you)
  8. Life on the moon
  9. My Heroine 
  10. Beautiful Monster
  11. Pieces 
  12. Not Alone 

Dae-Seong x 10
  • 17,500 EXP 25% Companion,  30% [Karisa's Pouch bond partner], 20% SL
  • 450,000J 20% Companion, 20% Guild Lvl 4, 20% SL
  • 400 Fame
  • 11STR 

Karisa x 6
  • 16,000 EXP 20% SL [30% pouch],  10% Ring
  • 500,000J 35% [Helm], 25% Companion, 20% guild, 20% SL
  • 400 Fame
  • 11STR

Dae-Seong x 2
  • 26,250 EXP 25% Companion,  30% [Karisa's Pouch bond partner], 20% SL
  • 800,000J 20% Companion, 20% Guild Lvl 4, 20% SL
  • 500 Fame
  • 15STR 

Karisa x 6
  • 24,000 EXP 20% SL [30% pouch],  10% Ring
  • 1,000,000J 35% [Helm], 25% Companion, 20% guild, 20% SL
  • 500 Fame
  • 15STR

>> @DaeSeong <<
227,500 EXP
6,100,000 J
5,000 Fame
140 STR

240,000 EXP
9,000,000 J
156 STR
5000 Fame

Happy Birthday to you, I was created for you. [Storyline][Epic][L] Sigme10

Happy Birthday to you, I was created for you. [Storyline][Epic][L] Empty Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:07 am

This storyline has concluded and the rewards have been given~

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