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The Cursed Child-Quest

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#1Theo Kaguya 

The Cursed  Child-Quest Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:28 pm

Theo Kaguya
After coming back from his day of sword searching he couldn't help but listen as some of his fellow knights talk about an orphanage that was home to a demon, having actually fought demons he couldn't let this go. Theo had his doubts about the whole rumor given that their invasion had been stopped but part of him wasn't so sure they had actually sealed off all means of traveling.

Theo traveled to the location given to him by some of locals, when he arrived it felt as though Death himself had turned this place into a home. He had only ever seen the children from the orphanage, they seems happy to and never told him anything short of the truth. He wasn't all that.sure if his magic would had been enough to cleanse the area given everything around the building appears almost infected and dead "Come on Theo get it together!" Illumi had never failed to protect him in the past and right now was no different.


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