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Home At Last [Retired]

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Home At Last [Retired] Empty Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:47 am

Khnurn had reached the nadir of his existence. Every facet of his life had crumbled to ashes. Love, wealth, friendship, guild, and sanity—all had been casualties in the wake of his devastating defeat at the hands of Eternal Nightmare. It was as if he had also lost his spiritual anchor, the King of fire and light, Sol. This loss left a void that seemed impossible to fill.

Desperate and broken, he had journeyed to the unforgiving land of Desierto, seeking refuge and guidance from his younger sister. In his despair, he clung to the belief that his family would embrace him with open arms. After all, he was the Prince, and in his time of need, he hoped blood ties would prove stronger than any past rejection of his Desierto heritage.

As the sands pricked the soles of his bare feet, he trudged onward toward the kingdom of Desierto. Oddly enough, despite his years of denial and estrangement from this land, he found a strange sense of belonging in its arid embrace. His journey had been grueling, and he was now on the verge of physical collapse. Dehydrated, famished, and running on mere fumes, Khnurn's strength waned with each step.

Finally, he could go on no longer. Exhausted and defeated, he sank to his knees in the unforgiving desert sand, his vision fading to black as unconsciousness claimed him. It was a bleak end to a once-proud prince's journey, and he could only hope that in the darkness, he would find something, anything, to help him endure.

Deathcoin to @Charles Rutherford

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