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Not Quite the Same [Arisa]

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#1Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:46 am

Odin †

Not quite the same, and yet not quite different. How odd.

That was the only thought that bounced around Odin's otherwise empty head, an echo not unlike his voice whenever he spoke, dull and hollow, as the dark mage entered a place that could only be described as a sugar-coated Swineherd. The 'Boar Hat' pub as it was called wasn't a terrible place, far from it, as Odin walked to a simple table in the corner by himself and ordered a glass of red wine, ignoring the trembles of the waiter and the constant glances from the other patrons. But, there was something about the place that just seemed too... nice. Perhaps it was because Odin's own pub was situated in Oak town, a place renowned for its rowdiness, but the Boar Hat felt too calm and quiet for his liking. No doubt it had been a normal volume before the talking skeleton walked in, but now it was silent, with only a few whispers every so often as men and women tried to figure out what the hell Odin was, and if he meant them harm or not.

In what must have been only thirty seconds since ordering, a bottle of red wine and a glass were placed at Odin's table: a simple booth with two seating area tucked away in the corner, in full view of everyone but subtle enough that Odin could drink in peace if he simply ignored them all. Pouring himself a glass, and resting half against the cushioned seat and half against the wall, Odin took a sip, impressed by the crisp taste of the wine that he then began to drink, his eyes on the rest of the bar, flicking between each person and allowing himself a slight smirk at how they all reacted, although it was impossible to tell with his skull formed in a constant smile as it was.

#2Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:27 pm

She wanted to get out of the cabin for once, alone. Her hair fanned with the winds graze making it flow back. The violet color could be seen as a light lilac with glimmer from the lights of those around her. It wasn't quite night time, but the day time was dying out. Today she decided to wear a long attractive, black open sided skirt. For her shirt she wore a maroon shirt with a V-shape cut-out. The straps were ruffled and went to the back creating a deep V halter lace in the back. Her figure was as if it was sculptured out by the outfit, fitting perfectly. For shoes, she wore wedged heeled dress shoes and black see-through socks that went up to her thighs. Arisa's hair was up in a braided waterfall fashion, long as ever.

Softly she sighed as she finally got to the bar, but when she went inside there was tension between people and one specific being. Her eyes of golden mirrors gazed towards the stranger who had darkness engulfing him. 'How interesting...' she thought. Her heart was beating nervously as she took a deep breather and calmly approached the non-human looking male. Once she got about a few feet away from him and saw the empty chair, she heard whispers. Ignoring them she questioned him. ''Do you mind if I sit with you?'' she smiled small-like, spoke soothingly like silk and honey. Something about him 'felt' familiar, but she saw nothing familiar about him.

#3Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:13 pm

Odin †

There were a few things that Odin didn't expect to occur that night, only one of which he had anticipated the chance of. He wouldn't have been surprised if someone had wound up the courage, perhaps as a joke or out of some need to show off, to come over and speak to him, but the Lich had been keeping his eyes on the general patrons of the bar to ward off any from getting the wrong idea and thinking that he was a friendly skeleton. While it was true he could be civil to the right people, he had no reason to be that way to any civilian that approached him. To them, he would appear a being of death, one willing to pass on that gift to any fool who came too close.

That being said, the one who did approach him had caught the dark mage's attention from the moment she had entered the pub. It took a few moments for her to realise the situation, and notice Odin's own position, but the Lich had began studying her by then, sipping his red wine as the two locked eyes, or whatever it was they both possessed that allow them to see. For this woman was not just an ordinary civilian, she was something Odin himself had never seen. Much in the way that he radiated darkness that only certain people could see, this woman, this being, seemed to radiate light. An aura surrounded her, one that made would have caused Odin to momentarily flare his nostrils in annoyance if he still possessed such appendages.

As they locked eyes, Odin also saw her own orbs. Odin no longer had any eyes in his skull, merely sockets with an ethereal green flame burning behind them, something that stemmed from the darkness that enveloped him, but this woman had something almost in between. Not quite 'normal' eyes, hers were like golden mirrors, reflecting the light that Odin already felt from her existence. As the two most interesting people in the building, naturally they were drawn to one another, as she approached Odin and asked to join him at their table, prompting even more whispers from the crowd that were now watching intently at what was going to happen. A hollow voice echoed around the bar, almost as if coming from another plane of existence itself, fitting of the Lich who owned it, "As frankly the most interesting person I've seen today, who am I to say no. What's your drink?"

As he spoke, Odin finished the glass of wine in front of him, ignoring how it simply fell through the holes in his skeletal form, and made no actual impact to his person. He was capable of tasting the alcohol, but it did nothing for him, and had no impact on his life. Not anymore.

#4Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:18 pm

The man (assuming he was) gazed at her with a gaze of none. In that aspect he had no eyes yet he had blazing green flames beyond them. It hit her curiosity as it was quite obvious he wasn't human, but what was he? He was no vampire, no werewolf nor was he anything she has ever seen. Sadly, that wasn't what surprised her. The man spoke and truly did it catch her in a surprise. 'That voice sounds familiar. Does it not?' spoke a voice in her head. Her mirrored eyes reflected his green and darkness that he held. The people in the background were non-existent at this time or forevermore till he decided to leave or till something woken her up from this one-way train thinking.

He accepted her to sit with him and for that her hand grasped onto the chair top, slid it out and sat down gently. Her body moved forward to scoot up closer to the table, eyes still on him and arms gliding against the table, resting. Her chest rested on the arms that were rested on the table. ''I'll have a Beijing Bellini.'' she spoke softly with her accent and wondered if this guy was someone she knew, he'd know her voice as well, right? ''Interesting?'' she chuckled. ''I'd like to say I'm not, but you are the interesting one in my eyes. May I ask your name? I'll give you mine in return.'' she offered and smiled genuinely with her eyes never leaving where his eyes would be. Deep within she felt afraid, but her curiosity was getting the best of her, she must know. If it was who she thought it was, she cared about that person.. even if they didn't care back. Such a mess she was; that's what most people whispered in the background... in her past.

#5Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:51 am

Odin †

The woman spoke, and for the first time Odin felt a strange connection to her. This was more than just the fact that they were both attuned to their respective elements, a fact of hers that served as a great annoyance to Odin. There was something in her voice, despite the fact bearing no resemblance to anyone the Lich had ever met. There was magic in this world capable of changing one's face, as evident by Odin's new appearance if nothing else, but one's voice was often harder to change so easily. While there was no doubt a voice could be changed using magic, there were things that couldn't be so easily hidden. Body language, tone of voice, they couldn't be hidden. And while the name was currently lost to his mind, Odin felt some familiarity with this woman. Clearly, just like him, many things will have changed from the last time they met, but she was definitely someone from his past. The question only remained: who?

They both thought the other was more interesting, as the girl sat down and ordered her own drink, before asking Odin's name. Obviously one thought the other would be the more interesting of the two. Just as Odin was accustomed to his form but had never seen one like this woman, she was likely in the same position: used to herself, but having never seen a Lich before. Unfortunately, she had asked his name, something that could easily prove whether they knew each other or not. In a rare flash of something akin to kindness, Odin replied simply, his voice echoed around the entire room: a fact that got really old when you were stuck with it.

"I go by Grimm currently, but in the past I was known as Lucifer to most. Perhaps we met once, do we know each other?"

#6Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Mon Dec 18, 2017 1:26 pm

Her eyes looked away as she leaned back against her chair till the arch of her back hit against the chair's top part (the part that made it so people don't fall back). She was sure he was someone she knew and her drink was soon coming. As she looked she saw the person put down her drink, her eyes following the glass and her hands grasped onto it right then. Long has she been wanting to drink and with Alisa around, she tended to not drink as much surprisingly. Arisa had a fancy for alcohol sadly, more than normal people could drink. She sipped her drink, prepared herself for answers that might surprise her and laid down her drink back down on the table. Her eyes looked back into the green lit up eyes that hid behind a hallow shell of what use to be a man.


'So he's Lucifer huh? I expected him to be quite grouchy.'
she thought darkly and did a small chuckle with a tiny smile from her full beautiful lips. Her eyes gazed upon him more now, interested. ''All I can say is ; It's been quite awhile, Grim.'' she started. ''I was known as Arisa.'' she spoke again, took a drink of her luscious drink and spoke once more after setting it down. ''I'd ask stories of how this became the outcome, but it's not my business to know unless...'' she started, placed a single finger tip on her class and traced the circle linings where one placed their lips upon. ''You wish to make it my business.'' she spoke soft, gentle and soothing. A deep part of her did care about Lucifer or well... now Grim, but it was questionable on rather or not he did.

There was another subject on the matter, Nas. He knew her too, but will she dare to question him about it or will he tell her? Her eyes half-way closed as she gazed at him, studying him to the core - or as much as she could. Grim was the type where he seemed to like the conversations that go back and forth without one having paragraphs to say all at once. It could be annoying, but maybe that's just a part of her thinking that. She didn't know all about him, so she couldn't judge... still.

#7Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:54 am

Odin †

Well, it seemed that they did know each other after all, how interesting. Arisa had once been her name, one of the first people Odin had ever encountered outside of his guild, perhaps even the first. The Lich wasn't entirely sure how many times he had met Arisa by this point, as she had always worn a different face. Perhaps it was only the two or so times that Odin had known it was her, or perhaps there had been more, maybe she followed and kept tabs on the dark mage, always changing faces when he found out who she was. But now, this change was more than just her looks. She had blossomed into a beautiful looking woman, but the aura of light was not something that was part of her look, there was something much more magical, and primal, to it. It also seemed like Odin was the only one who saw it too, as no one had looked at her when she had entered, other than to gawk at her figure.

"Well now, it has been a while indeed, Arisa Rinmizukimi."

As expected, Arisa wished to know how Odin had undergone the change that had turned him from a simple dark mage to a being of death, who carried his power with him as simply as someone carried clothing on their person. He wore the mantle of death, and Arisa seemed to wear the same kind of mantle, but of light. Whatever had happened to Odin, something similar had to have happened to her, just with the opposite effect. As such, despite admitting she wouldn't push unless he wished to tell her -a rather provocative remark as Odin interpreted it-, there was only one response that he could give.

"I will tell you how I came to possess the form I currently hold, but how does the old adage go? Ladies first."

His mouth widened slightly as he stated the final part of his speech, giving an almost cheeky grin to his skeletal and otherwise perpetually serious face.

#8Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:41 pm

Lucifer, now Grim, was still the same yet he seemed a little kinder. Maybe he was acting again? She bit her lower right lip with her canine, watching him and his every move. She was curious still on what she asked, but his answer was of course with her telling him things first. 'Not surprising.' she heard the darker voice speak. What should she do? There was a time for everything and that remark, that saying when it came to him - it was quite adorable. Her right hand reached for her drink again, misting a light orange color around and above the liquid as she took a drink that quickly became chugging it down.

Her hand slammed it down against the table and looked at him with her eyes open normally. Will this information bite her back? If he was to tell her though -- the truth, then it would be fair of course. This was an act of foolish luck on rather or not he will tell her the truth. The people around them went on with their own business, which was good... Her eyes seriously looked at him and with to test it, this luck and to see if there was any friendship to be had with 'Grim'.

''It actually goes way back, longer than my memories allowed me to remember. What I do know was the way I was left, fragile in the streets on a rainy day to some men. I don't know what was wrong with me, but I couldn't move nor act. Let's just say in the end... my fate was in the hands of those men and I 'died'.'' she started and then turned her head to gaze towards the nearest window, outside.

''The sun appeared out of no where, shining through the clouds as it rained and hovered over me. The sun's rays of light beamed a tattoo-like mark on my back and transformed my body into what I look like now.'' she spoke as it was only in mid-way. Her head turned back to him to look into what were his eyes. Her classic full lips were glossed yet they were beautiful, but they were frowning as she remembered the scene. She didn't even tell Jeeroy, Alisa nor Noel...

''The men disappeared, rather they died with an unknown cause or ran off.... Someone who was a friend, found me and took me to a hotel to take care of me safely. A lot of things changed since then...'' she finished and then leaned forward, elbows on the table and chin rested on her hands. ''Your turn, Grim.'' she requested.

#9Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:21 pm

Odin †

After hearing what Odin had to say, Arisa took a swig of her beverage, downing the majority of her drink, which amusingly interested Odin, as he wasn't sure how much alcohol -if any- was in the drink the girl sitting across from him was currently drinking, but he elected to ignore it, as it didn't matter how drunk Arisa got from their time in the pub. If she got extremely drunk it would loosen her lips somewhat, which could easily allow Odin to get more information than she would be normally willing to give. Sitting silently as he sipped his glass of red, the Lich waited to hear what it was that turned Arisa into the interesting being that she had become.

Strangely enough, it was similar to Odin's own story, at least in some ways. Just like he, she seemed to have 'died' yet become a being of light, almost ascending like an angel as opposed to falling like Odin did. She had been surrounded and on the verge, and then she had been alone with a renewed sense of life. It was truly interesting how similar, and yet different, the two were, but now it was the turn of the Lich to give a telling of his own story, deciding to be as vague as Arisa had been.

"It seems we had similar experiences. I, too, 'died' to gain new power, although I had to end my own life and confront my demons to move beyond. I was in a graveyard. I plunged a knife deep into my heart, and I felt the life leave my body. The next experience after that was nothingness, something that has stayed relatively constant. I feel so much less than I once did, and it is equally mesmerizing and terrifying. I don't know how you feel, but I imagine we are more similar than looks suggest."

#10Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:02 pm

He spoke as if he went through the same thing. Even though they truly became a whole-nother existence, the way they did were totally the opposite. She was tortured and screwed over - literally and then left to bleed out and die. He on the other hand chose to stab himself and was given some power - or so that's how she's getting it. The time when the incident happened? It was about the same time that the break up happened between her and her 'now' lover. He didn't need to know what happened and truly she didn't want to think about how he'd act after telling him. The only reason for telling Lucifer? It was because she knew he wouldn't care much - if at all.

The thing that she did understand was feeling less or something or more of another. She felt more... insanity when it came to what people called 'love'. She felt no more mercy for those who deserve a second chance and when it came to her own justice? Arisa didn't care less if she annihilated them -- as long as they weren't innocent, right? Softly she took a deep breather, leaned back against her chair and gazed into where his eyes were to be. 'Similar?' she thought and wondered more. ''You're no demon, so what are you, Grim?'' she questioned at first and then tilted her head innocently and looked at him confused. ''More similar? Tell me more.~'' she spoke while her shining eyes glimmered, glistened and turned to a metallic silver like a full moon. It was nighttime for sure, but she didn't notice they turned nor did Arisa keep the time.

#11Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Sat Dec 23, 2017 8:30 am

Odin †

Odin allowed a low, hollow chuckle to escape from the skull, as the girl Arisa remarked that he was not a demon, and asked what exactly it was that he had become. It was true, as Odin gave off a much stronger feeling than that he had detected from Yumi. She had become a demon, and gained a unique mastery of lightning, and she had seem like the pinnacle of ability in the guild. Now, Odin felt like he was taking her place, or at least getting closer. He had gained powers from his guild mark, becoming the Inquisitor of Grimoire Heart, become a master of the element of darkness. All that remained was to consolidate his power, and strive to improve. Odin was a Lich, he was not a demon, not even a half-demon anymore, naturally Arisa could detect that, just as he detected that she was something else, some kind of angel going by the story she had just given.

"If you must know, I am what they call a Lich. How about you? What would call your own new state of existence?" It was a simple enough question to ask, and one that wouldn't betray anything beyond what Arisa called what she was. But she also wanted to know how they were similar, as if it wasn't obvious as it was, but the dark mage decided to oblige her request, drinking his wine once more before speaking, his voice once more echoing throughout the room as he did so, "We both have that pesky aura that only we seem able to notice, not to mention the power we both possess, as I can sense it from you just as you can no doubt see it in me. In many ways, we are the Yin and Yang of this world, one shrouded in darkness, the other light. You were killed and ascended, I committed suicide and fell, yet here we both are. We might not be exact replicas, but we are as similar as our circumstances are different."

#12Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Sat Dec 23, 2017 5:24 pm

She chuckled with a small smile towards Grim who also had his own laugh. She really never heard him laugh before... out of all the meetings they've had. She was thinking on how nice it was to hear him laugh, heart warming even. It wasn't anything love related, no. If it was, only friendship wise. He seemed bipolar between the meetings at his bar when around Nas and when they were alone, reminded her of Noel a little bit. She listened to him for a bit, taking a drink of her alcohol as another came on by and relaxed. He told her that he was a lich, surprised. Arisa wasn't surprised on what he was, but that he was actually telling her the truth, unlike the suspicious name/nickname shenanigans that's been going on. There had to be a reason for these 'word' names, but then again.. Lucifer did seem a better name than what she has heard.

He next explained about what he found similar between the two. 'Yin and Yang?' she thought and smiled small, like usual. ''I suppose you're right.'' she started and looked up at the ceiling. ''You know... it's nice to hear you laugh. I believe it's the first time...'' she spoke once more and looked back at him. ''Me? I'm a Seraphim or how most people call them, an angel.'' she started again, sat up straight and looked at him. ''It's funny to think of us as completing each other as in... creating balance like Yin and Yang. I won't lie... it sucks to be looked down upon by the higher 'races' or beings as they judge us depending on how we judge the lower beings.'' she spoke calmly, eyes closed half way as if deep thinking while saying all that. In sudden, she looked up at him with soft eyes, ''Or perhaps that's just me and how the 'light' part is.'' she giggled softly and smiled warmly towards him. Rather or not they were truly friends, this felt nice.

#13Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:07 pm

Odin †

The definition of Yin and Yang, two opposite forces coexisting with each other, seemed to make sense to Arisa, who agreed with the statement, before continuing on about something else, something much more... human. As she said it, Odin sat back in his chair, drinking some more wine as another glass was brought over for him, and he pondered the revelation. It, surprisingly enough to the Lich, turned out that she was right. In none of their other encounters, hell in no previous encounter any mortal had had with the dark mage had he laughed like he did now. Something had indeed changed in him since losing Lucifer's influence, but perhaps it was more than that. As he thought about how the demon had changed his personality from what it was then to now, he considered a new possibility: without the demon, and perhaps without his human form, Odin was subconsciously trying to hold on to that which he had lost. There were many parts to being a human that he would no longer be able to do, but laughing was not yet one of them. So he laughed, because he had lost everything else. How dreary an existence he now led, how sad.

A Seraphim was what Arisa called it, an angel just as Odin had predicted. Quite literally the opposite from what he had become, but she spoke of other, 'higher races' that looked down on them, just as Odin and Arisa could look down upon simple mortals. That was indeed interesting, and prompted Odin to ask some more questions about her situation, "What do you mean? I'm the only Lich I know, and I didn't meet anyone else when I became one. Are you saying there are actually angels floating in the sky above us?" It seemed a bit silly, as if it had come out of a fairy tale. But then again, Fiore was indeed a strange land, perhaps it had just gotten even stranger.

#14Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 4:02 pm

After she was done speaking she grabbed her third glass of booze and started to drink it slowly, eyes watching Grim. She listened to him ask about what she meant by what she said. Her eyes looked awa for a moment to over-think of what she just said and then chuckled, looking back at him. ''Sure, so far, the only one you know... but think about it. For someone to write about our race, there had to be more. So far, yes I haven't seen any other besides myself, but I've only lived in Fiore for a year and so many months. I'm sure the damned 'holy' 'gods' created more of what I am.'' she started and then thought of the other thing.

''Oh yes, higher beings such as deities, gods and the such. We are about next to them and perhaps if we become stronger we'll become one... For now though...'' she spoke and leaned over to where her chest was against the table. ''Are you fully hallow then? Hence the green glow that's coming out? Can I feel your armor-like skin? It's quite intriguing...'' she asked in a pleading way. It was like she was a long-time researcher who finally got to see something she truthfully was interested in. She had her wings so she wasn't curious in that thing, but if he wanted to see her wings in exchange for seeing what he could do - she would not mind. 'I'm talking quite a lot... Surprised he's not getting irritated.' she thought with a chuckle in mind. Arisa did talk a lot when she became curious...

#15Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:29 pm

Odin †

Arisa laughed before she spoke, something that Odin was now keeping a conscious eye on. After his own laughs had been called out on, he was acutely aware of every laugh that he both uttered and heard. It was strange, that Arisa had had such a profound effect on him in that way. She had simply stated something that she had noticed about him, and it had caused him to rethink the man he had become, despite having only met her a couple of times. Perhaps it was her new form, and the light being his opposite, but she was affecting him, even if she didn't realise it. Even as she spoke, Odin hung on every word, fascinated and intrigued by her as he heard her, and replied in kind, "I know there have been more Liches in the past, but I am the first for some centuries. No more exist because let's be honest, if another Lich was roaming Fiore, we would all know about it."

She spoke of Gods and higher beings: the ones that had granted her the power in her possession, hinting that perhaps, in time, they would reach the level of strength that they possessed. In no small amount of words, as Odin drank his wine, Arisa was talking about becoming a God. In some ways, it reminded Odin of Lucifer, the demon he once carried, a being who constantly thought of himself as a better. There was no way for him to profile Arisa, as each encounter felt like a new one. She was, truly, unique.

She then inquired as to the texture, the feeling of the new body Odin had. She wanted to feel his skin, but Odin simply raised a bony finger to stop her there, as he removed the top half of his clothing, revealing the pure skeletal structure hidden below. Arisa would see his skull, his spine, his rib cage. He would appear as a skeleton, emitting a green glow from his existence. His arms were lacking in muscle, his torso lacking in flesh. He was bone, no flesh, no blood, just a skeleton. Even the glow made no effect on the world, coming from an otherworldly place. The hollow voice spoke once more, low and quieter than it had been before, "As you can see, I am just the skeleton of a man. Not armour, bone. I would prefer it if you didn't touch it, but you know what bone feels like. That is all I am."

Odin couldn't let her touch him, not his body anyway. She would be the first to touch him, the first flesh on his bones. He wouldn't feel that vulnerability, he couldn't allow her to touch him, not now, not yet. She was already affecting him in ways he didn't understand, he couldn't allow himself to appear vulnerable in this public place, or any place. He took another drink of his wine, allowing Arisa to see the red liquid as it trickled down the bones to the abyss below, where it would disappear. His bones were already wet from the wine he had drank. This was who he now was, and she was one of the first to see it that close.

#16Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:57 pm

Arisa was curious on the texture of the bones of his - mostly his skull. It was quite irregular and it amazed her. She waited kindly for his approval, but sadly she was to be disappointed as he told her no. As soon as he lifted his finger with rejected, she leaned back, crossing her arms under her chest and pouted disappointed. 'Mmmm...' she thought silently and looked at him. Her head tilted while her innocent sparkling eyes gazed upon him, the silver moons in her eyes glistened and sparkled like a moon in water's reflection. 'There's gotta be a way for him to let me.' she wondered to herself. It wasn't any reason for her to want to other than curiosity and perhaps the genetics of experimentation.

He was trying to talk about himself as if he wasn't special, but that wasn't the case. Oh no. He was a friend to her if not a close friend. In time perhaps they will become that. Her heart feels stronger towards people than it use to, but it also feels the quite opposite towards those she feels nothing for. She use to want to help everyone, but slowly she became a person who didn't wish to help anyone unless they were close to her heart in someway or something related to that. Grim? It was a mystery, but her heart felt as if she wanted to embrace him and care for him - not in the love way she does/would towards Noel though.

She sat up normally and took a soft breather before going for her next drink. After setting it down, feeling the liquid run through her body she looked more at him. ''What if I let you touch my wings?'' she started, leaned in again. ''I'll show you - just not here of course. I just want to touch the texture and form of your unique skull.'' she chuckled as she then notices how bizarre and psychotic that sounds. Like some insane scientist. She sat straight back up and smiled warmly at him. ''I'm quite bold when I am curious about something now, so forgive me if I sound weirder than I usually appear to be.'' she spoke while her determined eyes gazed at his hallow glowing green ones. She knew she was weird, indifferent... however people wished to describe her.

#17Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Mon Dec 25, 2017 12:54 pm

Odin †

After receiving a no from Odin as to whether or not she could touch his skull, Arisa sat back and pouted, clearly upset that she hadn't been given permission. Unfortunately there was no way for Odin to easily give a reason as to why he wasn't allowing her, so he simply drank his wine as she pouted, seemingly uncaring as to the whole situation as he spoke about the form he had become. It could easily appear as if he was degrading himself, but the reality was quite different. He was a different man, a monster to all who looked upon him, but he had gained tremendous powers. In the scales, what he had gained greatly outweighed what he had lost.

After that, however, there was an interesting proposition put towards him. He had been asked if he wanted to touch Arisa's wings, implying that she truly did possess the appendages. While it was true that she had become an angel, Odin hadn't been sure if it had come with all the perks that many attributed to one of that status. Apparently it did, and that was something that greatly intrigued the Lich, who instantly finished the wine in his glass, listening to Arisa as she spoke about simply wanting to touch his skull, before making sure to state that she was simply excited, and didn't want to appear incredibly creepy for asking. Smiling, with a nod, Odin spoke, "Deal. I see the wings, you can touch the skull. If you've finished your drink, we can leave immediately to see."

#18Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:56 pm

She looked at him, waiting like a cat to pounce on the opportunity that she desired. He was thinking for awhile it seemed which made her wonder if he was actually going to accept her offer. Once again another drink appeared and then he finally answered towards the offer. He smiled, making her eyes open a little to actually liking the fact he smiled and it wasn't some smartass smile neither. He told her that he she was ready to leave then so be it. Quickly she stood up, grabbed her drink, chugged it down and sat it down on the table. ''Alright! Let's go.'' she spoke happily with a cheerful smile. What was wrong with her? Why did she smile so... cheerful. She smiled small, sweet, but not cheerful nor wide.

She watched herself, her boy and soul act on its own as she walked passed every guy. If some guy tried anything she will either smack the shit out of them or simply ignore them as she looked back to make sure Grim was following. Arisa got to the door, one hand behind and against her tailbone as she held the door for Grim. ''Have any spot specific? I'm sure as much as myself, you don't want people to see.'' she told him, but then thought of some places she knows herself. ''Actually! Come on.~'' she spoke with softly and the same happy smile, grabbing for his hand without realizing it herself.

She was too excited to realize what she was doing, grabbing his hand and all that. Arisa went towards a place that no one would go during the dark besides the daring. Through the trees and passed a hill they finally stood where there was a river stream, an opening as they were surrounded by a circle of trees. She let go of his hand and looked shock after realizing it right and there. ''Oh! I-I'm sorry Grim.'' she spoke and bit her lower lip on the right side. Swiftly she turned so she faced him, hands holding each other and against her pelvic. Slowly she stepped back while feeling worrisome-like so they were at least five to six feet away. Her head tilted to look facing to where his eyes would be.

A simple glow of light flustered around her as the aura of light that he saw became stronger. The moon light glistened and beamed on her while the tattoo on her back went missing. Within seconds a pair of white fluffy-cloud like forms flings outward, become wings of golden white. Each wing was seven foot if that. Slowly they folded up and she blushed, looking away. ''It's nothing special, but they are real... Feathers, all that and the whole flying crap I suppose...'' she coughed and then looked directly at him from the corner of her eyes. Compared to him, her wings were nothing - even with a goddess-like body that she had and all the drinking she can do without being harmed. ''Eh - If you want, you can touch my wings... just be gentle okay? They are.... sensitive to certain parts of me for some reason.'' she spoke, gulped nervously and let one of her wings outward more and moved towards him like a hand would to handshake. She trusted Grim, but should she? He could be like some others who acted the same, betrayed her, but she truly wanted to... Wanted to trust Grim and believe he was different than the other dark aura'd people.

#19Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:43 pm

Odin †

Arisa seemed overjoyed at the idea of them leaving, as it was allowing her to touch his skull once they had completed what it was they wanted to do. Another drink arrived for her, but that didn't stop the determined angel, who instantly finished it before leaving, not even waiting to see if Odin was following until she was at the door. She had a broad smile on her face as she did so, almost like an excited child who couldn't wait to play with a new toy, that toy no doubt being Odin's skeletal form. Partly amused by her exhilaration, Odin calmly stood up and followed her to the door, where she got a spark of inspiration as to where they could both go, grabbing his skeletal hand before Odin could say anything, and dragging him away.

She dragged him towards some secluded spot in a nearby woodland area, with a river stream clearing surrounded by a circle of trees. It wasn't somewhere you could find unless you knew where you were going, and there was no chance anybody would be willing to venture that far from the town with the moon rising, and the sky darkening. It was then that Arisa realised she had grabbed Odin's hand, and instantly released it with an apology. An apology that was followed by something very interesting.

She glowed for a moment, unleashing some kind of power, before two wings sprouted out of her back, each wing longer than Odin himself was tall. The massive wingspan surprised him, more so than the actual existence of the wings. He had doubted that Arisa would have been lying to him, but he had not expected them to look so soft, so majestic. There truly was only one word to described them: angelic. It seemed that she could use them as normal wings, having the ability to fly, and they were truly real feathers, as she extended one of them for Odin to reach out and touch. It came with a strange notion, that the wings were connected to Arisa's nerves in a unique way, being able to give a sensation of pleasure, or perhaps intense pain.

Odin had to be gentle, as he reached out on skeletal hand, slowly to as not to worry her as they both stood in silence. His hand touched the the wings, and he carefully ran his hand through the feathers, remarking at the softness of them, taking care not to cause pain, but rather evoke pleasure. If there was only one option he had to pick between pleasure or pain, there was no reason to pick pain. The green fire of Odin's eyes were focused on Arisa's as he did this, before he brought his hand back through the feathers, to rest once more at his hand. He bowed his head, offering it up to her, and took a breath to prepare himself for what might come.

"I understand that was not easy, so I thank you. As promised, you may study what you need to. My skull is yours."

#20Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:43 pm

She waited for the man to touch, to feel her wing that was stretched out towards him. She wasn't sure what to expect when it came to him feeling them. There was a possibility that it may hurt because he doesn't know how to touch wings that were so sensitive. There was that, or there was a possibility that he actually will be soft with touching them and well for her own self-being it will arouse in a rather saddening way. Her wings were like neko's and their cat tails. When a person softly puts pressure on a certain part of the tail and trail down, it arouses the person as it is connected to their sensitivity and pleasures. It's not like it was chosen by them, it was natural.

Once it was happening she felt a sudden shock go through her nervous and to the one point. The small moments of his soft touch from his bone-fingers felt rather nice. It had the right pressure yet they were soft. Her spine felt a chill crawling up and down as she wiggled a little. Her face on the other hand felt heat, turning light red with her eyes of silver shining like metallic that was melted and shining. ''Nnnn..'' she made a rather interesting erotic sound which then made her jump a little all nervous and turned her face away from him. 'He's looking at me... I feel so embarrassed. What was that?!' she wondered in her mind, closed her wings which then formed back into the tattoo on her back.

Her head slowly turned back to look directed at Grim. ''Oh-okay...'' she spoke nervously and soft, walking slowly to him. She felt nervous now, but her soft soothing fingers reached towards his skull. Her lips parted to breathe nervously, face blushing as she felt the smoothness of his skull. It had wonderful textures and designs that a regular skull would not have. The darkness, the flame of green did not hurt her. 'So it's an illusion that the darkness portrays and casts... I see' she thought and smiled. Her chest was against Grim's at this point as her goddess-like voluptuous body was tall and quite sculptured. She felt the horn-like structures of  his head, next to his eyes yet made sure she didn't let her fingers go inside and then backed off still feeling rather heated from that experience. ''Th-thank you.'' she spoke, looked at him, looked down and then looked back at him directly while blushing from her flawless fine skin of cream color. ''It is quite different by well... a lot compared to a human skull so it is very unique and interesting.'' she spoke to him and smiled small-like.

She had wondered something though. Not about what he was, but about himself, about her... The way he acted in the passed seemed like he was just tolerating her or in other words, he just dealt with her presence, but right now was it because she was a race he never saw before or? ''Grim, I wondered something...'' she started and took a deep breather. ''Do you just tolerate my existence or... is there a possibility of us being close friends at all?'' she wondered. Something about them was weird, interesting and intriguing. They met before they turned into... whatever they truly were now. Was there truly a close bond between them? Like Yin and Yang?

#21Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:30 am

Odin †

Amusingly enough, in an almost sadistic way, Arisa had not been lying about how pressure on the wings affected her elsewhere, as she let out a soft moan from Odin's touch. The Lich, not really being knowledgeable in affairs of love or pleasure, simply ignored the noise, but the angel clearly was a little embarrassed by the whole situation, as she jumped after realizing what she had done, turning her head away as her face turned an interesting shade of pink, blushing both from the pleasure as well as the noise. Having offered up the opportunity to touch his skull, Odin simply waited for the sensation to take him: for Arisa's touch to reach him, and for her hands to feel his skull.

It was a strange feeling, and one that might've caused Odin to shiver if he had still been alive. Of course, the feeling was not one a living person could understand or experience, as Arisa's hands were feeling under his neck, through where the flesh of his head would have normally stopped her. Her hands felt the green flames, and she remarked that they weren't real, merely an illusion that had no bearing on the world. A cosmetic effect that came with the look it seemed, as well as Odin's skull being interesting enough. It had a different shape to that of a human, having three spiked sections of bone jutting out from the top, as well as being more angled than any human skull could be. After becoming satisfied with what she had felt, Arisa released hold of the skull, before changing the topic of their conversation to something equally as personal: their relationship.

It was an interesting question she asked, and Odin could understand why she wished to ask it. In previous conversations, he had been cold to her, the persona of Lucifer making him think himself better than any others. He had been, for lack of a better word, an ass to everyone he had met, no matter who they were. Whether it was the demon's influence, or some deep seated hatred, Odin had never fully worked it out, but Arisa had clearly noticed the difference in this interaction compared to any previous one. There wasn't an easy way to explain why he had been the way he had before, so he decided to answer as best he could.

"Disregard any previous interaction and base our relationship on this one, that should answer it for you."

#22Káilètte † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:49 pm

She looked at him almost hopeful with her bright silver orbs that he was going to accept her as a good friend at least. They were different than the rest for sure and no matter where he was from - guild wise, she was of course going to accept him. Arisa never did judge someone from the guild or dark things they have done in the past. She missed Nas  more while talking to Grim, but she knew that was the past and felt like whatever she was going to hear by asking was going to hurt her more than heal that patch. With that she didn't nor will she ever bother asking him about her.

'Don't be a pussy. Ask him.' spoke the dark-like toned woman in her head. Her eyes cornered away as she heard her, but then looked at Grim shocked when he spoke. She smiled widely yet motherly as she nodded happily. ''It does answer. A lot actually...'' she answered towards his answer. Her feathers from her wings were fluffy and as the small winds caressed them, the fluff would wave back and forth like small stands of loose fur. Her hands clenched into a fist as she wanted to not ask about her, but he knew... right? ''Grim, have you heard from Nas? I... miss her. She was my first friend that I made when I came to Fiore...'' she questioned at last.


She heard silence and wondered if there was something that she shouldn't know when it came to Nas. It could be the possibility that she wouldn't want Arisa to know anyways. She coughed softly and looked away, looked back at him and smiled small. ''Never mind that... But I must go, Grim. I am sure we will run into each other again.'' she started and then stood up straight, turned away and then back to wave bye to him. ''Till then... Be careful and see ya.~'' she spoke and looked forward, walking away in the night.


#23Odin † 

Not Quite the Same [Arisa] Empty Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:02 pm

Odin †

After everything that happened, it seemed Arisa still had more questions on her mind that she wanted to ask the Lich. They had travelled to this secluded area to show off their abilities, with Odin having been granted the opportunity to touch, even caress, Arisa's new wings that her angel form gave her. Luckily for her, she could call them and send them away with ease, something Odin himself was unable to do. His new form had changed his outer appearance, and he had no simple way of hiding who he was anymore, not unless he used a lot of magic power.

As they spoke, Arisa asked Odin about Nastaysa, which made the Lich remember something he hadn't thought about for some time. The first time they had both met, Odin had also met Nastasya, but he had a distinct memory of the two females, Nastasya and Arisa, having already known each other before that day. They had a friendship already formed, but Odin didn't know how much she knew about his guild partner. Did Arisa know about Nastasya's becoming a vampire, or even the fact that she had only recently reappeared in the world after suffering what seemed to be some kind of breakdown. Despite how much it hurt, Odin stayed quiet in the hopes of changing the subject. His silence was taken the right way by Arisa, but she then bade him farewell before leaving the small clearing they had found themselves in, convinced they would likely see themselves again. Odin would make his way back into town, convinced of the same occurrence.


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