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Rough Patch

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#1Aoi Mitsurugi 

Rough Patch Empty Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:17 pm

Aoi Mitsurugi
I’ve been meaning to get around to this for about a week or two now, but I’ve gotten really absorbed into work lately because of all this, so I’m simply going to take the little time I have to do it now.

So, I have been trying to work around this while work issue I had a week and a half ago along with the month that’s just begun. It’s a hard month for my family as a whole so I’m not going to go into much detail so I don’t end up getting upset, however I don’t want to just be floating around with no reason either. This is basically just me trying to come out and say that I am struggling currently with a lot with my real life and I apologize to those I’ve started threads with and others who I had plotted ideas with. Still, I am going to try to get posts done if I can, but it might not come right away and I’m really sorry about it.

I hope it’s no imposition, and if you’d prefer or want to leave the thread for whatever reason you may have, please feel free to pm me on site or Discord and I’ll understand. There’s always a next time, right? ^^;

Thank you, and I’ll certainly keep hanging around because more distractions keep lil ol’ me from circling the emotion wheel.

Rough Patch 30uzlo9

CharacterSheetWheelFlower count: 3

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