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The Great Change

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#1Cain the Historian 

The Great Change Empty Sun Mar 01, 2020 6:11 pm

Cain the Historian

The Great Change

Fiore was known as a country of consistency. Since its founding, regardless of the internal struggles or external forces attempting to exert their influence, Fiore had managed to continue on in simplicity. The Royal Family ruled with the help of the Nobility. The Guilds, few in number, helped solidify the country and protect it against unforeseen threats. The citizens worked hard, toiling the fields and building the towns brick by brick until cities began to form that clawed for the heavens. Never had there been an indication that the country would enter a time of turmoil or strife, even when powerful forces wished to wreak havoc and destruction.

Yet they say the loudest of voices all die as whispers.

This may truly be the most troubling time in all of Fiore's history, and it is with confusion in my mind and discourse in my heart that I try to capture it as fully as possible. This country, I'm afraid, has entered a great change. In all my years, there has been nothing like this anywhere on the continent. Whether these changes will solidify the status quo, or alter the destiny of our brothers and sisters for all of eternity, one cannot say. I am but the recorder of times past, and until my death I will hope to articulate the world as it is, through what has been.

It began in conflict. War had broken out between the Gods of old, and the forces of light and dark wished to collide within the confines of Earthland. Seraphim, united under the banner of the god Illumin, were preparing a clash with the Demons that ravaged our country for months. This war, which would have likely spelled great amounts of death and destruction, was offset by the human Nerva and his followers. Though the repercussions of his intervention are yet unknown, the fact that he prevented a great war in Fiore is something that no one should doubt.

Yet that, it seemed, was merely the beginning of this great change. Shortly after the Royal Ball that was hosted in which to celebrate all those who fought so valiantly for Fiore, the country began to shift.

King Reign, first of his name, declared his family name Reign. He then accepted all those within his faction into his family. The heads of his family were those who shared with him the bond of blood, though the intended effects of solidifying his rule seemed to have backfired. The Noble faction, centered around Sir Ezio de Sforza, initiated a couple of ground breaking announcements. First, the Nobles would withdraw from their residences within the capital, allowing their old homes to be managed by just a small amount of staff. They then settled fully within the city of Era, and immediately dissolved their organization of the Rune Knights. Many within the knighthood remained faithful to the Nobles, forming their private military.

Others, it seemed, wished to stay separated. A few knights, centered around Sir Kazimir Seiryu, formed a mage guild known as Phoenix Feather and settled themselves within Port Astera. Whether this is indication of a growing rift between the Royals and the Nobles is not up for a mere historian to comment on. Instead, it should be noted that these changes were merely the start of what was to come.

The next few months were dubbed 'The Decay', in which a majority of the guilds that once made up the non-affiliated mages of Fiore began to crumble for one reason or another. Tired from the years of conflict that Fiore had been through, and having been unable to evolve with the times, the guild Lamia Scale crumbled away. Their member base had shrank gradually over the years, and eventually they disbanded completely.

Fairy Tail, though still alive, hangs on by barely a thread. Their most recent Guild Master is rarely seen outside of their halls, and their activity within their city of Magnolia has been decreasing for years. It would come as no surprise if they, too, became but memories in the annals of history.

With the bad, came the good. With the dissolving of many of the light guilds, it were as though the same disease struck at the guilds of darkness as well. Red Hades, a group known for their wanton destruction of public property and death of citizens throughout the country, had been scattered to the winds. What exactly caused their fall is uncertain, but the most likely explanation was further scrutiny and focus from the personal police raised by the Nobility. The shady organization, known as the Midnight Cult, has also appeared to cease operations within Fiore. Whether or not they dissolved is uncertain, as little was known of the guild to begin with. Regardless, their influence has not been seen within the past several months, and all signs point to their dissolution.

The true change, however, has come from the new life sparking up all over the country. If 'The Decay' was the prepping of the stage, 'The Great Founding' is the star. New guilds have popped up throughout Fiore in only the past several months, and still little to nothing is known of them. Traditionally, all guilds that formed needed to go through the process of approval through the Royal faction and the Nobility. Yet, perhaps due to the increased movement within Crocus and Era, those regulations were lifted. Thus, these new groups have spawned.

In the North, rumors of an organization known as the Sentinel Syndicate have made its way to the capital. Founded by one of the final members of Lamia Scale, and ex-Holy Knight Konstantin Sokolov, their guild is a complete mystery. While he is known as a powerful mage, believed to be one of the strongest in all Fiore, those in Crocus have yet to give any word on how his organization shall be classified.

Then, in the South, we have normalcy. Blue Pegasus, now in control by one of their original powerhouses Alisa Vollan, remains a pillar of Hargeon. Classified as a Good Guild, not much has changed other than who is in charge. While there has been turmoil within the city, there is no doubt that the members of Blue Pegasus will reign in control of their city. It is Marigold that no one can predict. Home to the new guild Penumbral Guard, all that is known is that it is led by a powerful Lich. That alone has made the Nobility put out warnings that a dark guild may be forming in the South, and even the Royal faction seems to be watching with baited breath.

In the West, there is nothing but new. Oak, once home to dark guild Phantom Lord, now houses Advent World. The only guild founded by someone other than a mage, Finn Mertins is a relatively famous ex-member of Blue Pegasus. Due to this, they have been preemptively identified as a good guild. In Astera, as mentioned, is the guild Phoenix Feather. Containing almost nothing but ex-Knights of the Rune Knights, they have already been dubbed a good guild. King Reign himself mentioned them in his declaration of his family name, commending their Guild Master Kazimir Seiryu as an upstanding knight and outgoing individual.

Then, in the East, lay the crumbling Fairy Tail, a good guild led by new Guild Master Adriana. It is rumored that the guild is on their last leg, but the past years shows an influx in guild members. Perhaps it is not too late for the East to hold on to one of the oldest-standing Guilds in Fiore.

The biggest change of all, however, may just be within Dahlia. The city that has always been the most separate from the rest of Fiore, Dahlia has been home to some of the most ruthless and unsavory of all history. Now, it finds itself home to the first ever all-female guild Daeva Eye. Founded by Kaiser Bo, not much is known of her or many of her members. One of the most notorious mages in all of Fiore resides in her guild though, and for that the Royal Faction has preemptively marked them as a dark guild. Whether or not that will become their official marking has yet to be seen.

With the known long gone, evolving to keep up with the changes of the world, there is little that can be known of the future. However, Historians have been known to notice patterns in history. While these changes are indeed massive and new, there is still one other thing that must be addressed. From here, in my tower within Crocus, the whispers make their way to me. From Era, rumors of change have begun to flow. It seems inevitable that-

"Meister, Sir." The voice of a young man, no older than sixteen, rang through the solid walnut door. "It is late, and you know that sickness is ravaging the castle. You must get to bed." A silence filled the room which once only held the scratching of quill upon parchment, and a heavy sigh heaved from old lungs. A desire to stand was there, but the old mans bones didn't wish to listen. "Yes, yes. Please come in." As the door swung open, the old man turned in his chair as the younger helper came to aid the historian.

As Cain was helped to his feet, the young man glanced at the parchment. "You know, Sir, writing has come a long way. You no longer need to use ink and parchment." A chuckle was heard as the two began shuffling to the door. "Yes, yes, quite right. But my time is short, and I only have so many more hours before my sun sets. I wish only to capture what I see, while I can. And for that I will continue using what I know."

The two of them began down the hall in relative silence before a question broke the quiet. "Were you able to finish?" A grumble, and then a sigh. "No, I'm afraid not. But I shall. After all, the Great Change is still occurring, and if the signs are right than it shall get much worse before it gets better." The uncomfortable silence that followed was short lived before Cain laughed, clapping his helper on the shoulder with a hand that was much weaker than it had been even a few years ago. "Worry not, boy. One day you shall be Fiore's head historian. Your job is not to worry of the future, nor try to interpret the present. Simply write down what you see. The patterns, you'll find, will become painfully apparent with time."

Thus, in silence, the two began their descent from the Historians tower.

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