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Silver City [Quest][Aegis]

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#1Tomoe Tanaka 

Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Sat May 30, 2020 12:47 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe felt in his element, in the lower district of Myras. As a thug of Joya who would rob people all the time, the lifestyle of those he currently walked among was not something foreign to him. He kept his gear close and his wallet closer as he met up with the noble who wanted a tour of the place. What an arrogant bastard the man was to think that the lives of the people underneath him were something to gawk at and be used as afternoon entertainment. It was exactly those kinds of people that the crimson cutthroat wished to see eradicated from the world entirely, but he knew doing anything here wouldn't change any aspect of the status quo.

He did know that Aegis was coming along with him, however, as part of their temporary operations in the city of Myras itself. He was so rudely pulled away from a party to come here, and so in return the Joyan helped himself to the rum he stole from the guild while they were on duty. All the noble was doing at the moment was looking at some kids off in the distance playing with a ball anyway; that was probably the most entertainment those kids ever got in their entire lives, sadly.

There Tomoe was, awaiting his comrade's arrival to get the job started properly.

WC: 229/1,700 (15% reduced)


Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Sat May 30, 2020 3:34 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will arise with the morning light."


After the long flight down to Myras from marigold and the guildhall there in, Aegis was looking forward to getting started on what they needed to do. Before that could happen however, they were flagged down for a job. He didn't mind doing the work while he was here, but the interruption to him was more from the time it took up and out of their other goals. Considering other guilds were most definitely working on getting an edge in to the city time was of the essence.

Aegis waved as he saw Tomoe waiting for him. Considering where they were going, Aegis had left most of his possessions that could be taken back in the airship. He had his armour and magic, and he was confident with those. He didn't want to risk anything due to the location that they were in. While he was not as strictly street smart as someone like Tomoe was, he wasn't any sort of naive either.

While guard duty wasn't necessarily something he really enjoyed doing, it was definitely a way of getting to know Myras and the people that lived here a lot better than just asking around the upper tiers of the city.

PG Quest -15%

WC - 202


#3Tomoe Tanaka 

Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Sat May 30, 2020 4:27 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe felt on the verge of unsheathing his sword and slashing the noble's throat as he "a-haw-haw-haw" laughed with a hand to cover his mouth, amused at the children and their mundane games. To him it was like being a spectator at a circus, watching the clowns and freaks dance their dances and fumble over each other for the enjoyment of others. Only in this case, it was real life and with a very real problem in the form of kids on the verge of not even having a roof above their heads. Meanwhile, the rich folk like the noble that Tomoe had been paid to escort were able to be content clapping and applauding for the lives of peasants as if they existed solely for the comedy of others. It made the Joyan sick.

Tomoe then noticed Aegis approach, and greeted him, moving away from the noble for a moment's peace.

"This motherfucker needs a broom handle shoved up his ass, and quick. Laughing at the poor kids, 'n all that. Why's this the kind o' mission we need to do here? I'd rather go back to lifting boxes, man.", Tomoe spoke lowly to Aegis so that their employer wouldn't hear, then looking out towards the kids minding their own business, kicking an ever-deflating ball around as it grew slower and slower.

Letting out a sigh, Tomoe turned to his friend for an idea of what to do. Would they simply escort the man as planned? Or speak up? Though speaking up could very well result in their expulsion from the job, and above all else, Tomoe would not tolerate a noble's bullshit if he got nothing out of it. If there were no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, he was going to start blasting.

WC: 529/1,700 (15% reduced)


Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Sun May 31, 2020 2:30 pm



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will arise with the morning light."


Aegis was very disgruntled upon coming into this scene. He definitely agreed with Tomoe about the actions and behaviour of their protectorate target. As he was walking up to Tomoe he just nodded confirming his stance on the situation.

After mere hours being in Myras, he had become more furious than he had been in a long time. The city itself almost felt wrong at times considering the harshness of the differences in status and people alone. It was to such an extent that he did not even feel secure in letting Rashida explore out with him, and left her safely with the airship. He came to a slower walk up to the man who was comfortable mocking children. "Sir, I must ask for us to move on. We must keep moving in order to be successful, lingering can have unforeseen consequences."

The previously child mocking man suddenly found his mocking voice drifting off to silence.  After a moment he seemingly bolstered slightly, enough to get a weak but attempted save face out. "We will stay as long as I desire! You have been hired by me, and you will do as I say." Aegis kept walking forward until the imposing lich was looking straight down to the small and suddenly meek looking man, with flaming blue eyes that seemed furious and raging, even though his words and body language definitely told a more composed or serene story.

"I beg your pardon for what I say. We are not slave nor servant to you Sir, we are here for your protection. Our expertise is being used keeping you safe so you may return to the other parts of the city. By doing such, you recognized our knowledge and experience. I don't wish to use either of them in test." Through composed visage, a dark scent was felt through the air, until after he spoke as it faded away.

PG Quest -15%

WC - 521


#5Tomoe Tanaka 

Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Sun May 31, 2020 3:24 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe followed behind Aegis as the Lich approached the noble, staying as an observer for their interaction. He didn't want to intrude upon whatever Aegis had planned, even if his plan was simply to vent. The Joyan did feel relieved, however, when it was simply a suggestion to keep moving through the district. Granted, it was done so in the most imposing way that someone could make such a suggestion, especially when the person being imposed upon was also their employer; a spice of drama wasn't unwelcome in situations like these, though. Not to Tomoe anyway.

After the two had exchanged their words, Tomoe came to stand in between both of them. The noble seemed to back down, not wanting to push the matter further at risk to what might happen to him if he did.

"Hmph. When I heard that a walking skeleton would be escorting me, I knew I should have declined. Perhaps next time I will. Let us be going then.", the noble replied after a few beats of silence more, a bead of sweat dripping from his brow and visibly shaken but still allowing such words of hate to exit his lips.

The noble turned on his heel as he began moving further down the street. Tomoe looked at Aegis and shrugged.

"Think of the pay, yeah? That's what I end up tellin' myself when I run into employers like these. Can't do with pissin' off the nobility, y'know? Our guild would be done faster than a suicidal cultist if we did anything like that.", Tomoe explained his side of the story in a hushed tone so that the noble couldn't hear, referencing a certain encounter of weeks ago that they had participated in.

Tomoe followed after the noble, who was moving towards a four-way intersection further down the street. He stopped, waiting for the duo to catch up before proceeding, looking over his shoulder to ensure that they were keeping up. The Joyan waved with a convincing fake smile as he briskly walked to catch up with their rather awful employer.

WC: 875/1,700 (15% reduced)


Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:27 pm


-Do not fret the Night-

"Together, we will arise with the morning light."

If someone looked he could see Aegis smirk slightly at the suicidal cultist comment. "Yes, I understand. However the comment wasn't just for the ability to clear out. It was also for the man's posterity." looking around you couldn't see it very well, but there were more people gathering around them. Most seemed innocent enough coming to see the commotion, but more covered Shadows lied on the top of buildings, blending in the crowd, and clinging to the corners in order to remain unseen.

It wasn't something that he was horribly worried about because most of them seems like average people, but one couldn't be unprepared in any situation such as this. Regardless of who the person was that they were guarding or how they acted, they still definitely have a job to do.

As they began moving, the crowd started to disperse allowing them to continue on their job in relative ease. The walk-around kept going for a few hours. Aegis swore he should be done by now but his obsession about others misfortunes in relative to him was clear as day. While he did not appreciate it in any extent, the job was the job and it needed to be done.

PG Quest -15%

WC - 703

#7Tomoe Tanaka 

Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:39 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe picked his nose and tossed the green nugget over a railing as they walked, ensuring that the noble's back was good and turned to them. Seeing more of that man's personality come out throughout the day, the Joyan couldn't help but sigh and think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts like the idea of just sneaking off, changing faces and coming back so he could horizontally bisect the man.

But then I go home broke..., Tomoe thought with a miserable, glazed expression coming over him at the thought of once more eating goddamn dry oats or plain rice again.

He had, admittedly, been saving up his funds to buy himself something nice soon. He wasn't sure what yet; whether he'd go all-in on a new weapon, some armor, or even some enchantments. He'd been out and about all over South Fiore lately, and he felt like he was finally starting to see equal pay for the effort he was putting in; effort not as a criminal, but as somebody of good morals. The thought was laughable to Tomoe, but at the very least there was nothing that would reflect so badly on the guild as to be detrimental.

It was in these thoughts when he noticed something suspicious, and stopped. From an alley they had passed while walking he saw a man with a toothy grin hunched over, watching them. And then in front, two more had stood to prevent the noble from continuing on his way. Finally, one more was walking up from behind, each keeping a five meter distance from the trio of the noble, Tomoe and Aegis.

"What is the meaning of this?! Clear the path, or I will have you moved by my bodyguards!", the noble shouted out in defiance, taking a step back closer towards his hired mages.

Tomoe was about to draw his sword when an area flew by his face, cutting off a strand of hair as a warning shot. Distancing his hand from the handle, the Joyan turned towards the man who was approaching from the alley, hunched over with a crossbow in his hands. Giggling to himself gleefully, he loaded another bolt while the two men in front closest to the noble drew knives and the one in the back closest to Tomoe and Aegis drew a rusty scimitar.

"Ye'll hand over yer loot 'er else ye die here!", the hunchbacked man spoke in an unruly, ghastly voice, stink lines coming off his clothes.

Tomoe quickly shot Aegis an inquisitive look, wondering how they would proceed without a dead employer on their hands. If Aegis would not give an answer that Tomoe could agree on quickly, the Joyan would make his own preparations to rush forth, guided on instinct as he always had been.

WC: 1,337/1,700 (15% reduced)


Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:49 am



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will arise with the morning light."


Aegis was a bit confused at the intelligence of these three would-be assailants. As quickly as the words came out of the attackers mouth, Aegis quickly locked eyes with Tomoe. His eyes dashed quickly between Tomoe and the crossbow shooter.

They just slowly turned and put his hands up looking towards the other two want to be thugs in front of him. Aegis lets out a small sigh before talking to them, "We really don't wish this to come to blows so would you mind just leaving?" the noble, who was shaking earlier, slightly looks over towards Aegis in confusion. "What? You mean to let them go after what they... that?"
"We are here to keep you safe sir, not to police your region." he responded plainly while keeping his eyes locked on the two in front of the noble. Unfortunately however, the three just laughed and started walking a little closer.

Aegis sighed again, slightly shaking his head slowly. All right then he thought to himself as he brought his raised arms a little closer to his chest. In a very quick and instantaneous movement, and in a blur of blue and silver, he lunged forward at the two assailants in front of him. The nobleman panicked and fell down to the ground as Aegis flew past him. They two thevies tried to draw their weapons as quick as they could, but they were not fast enough before he got within range. Using two clenched fists on either side of his chest, he got right in between them in order to deliver two solid and well-placed punches to the centre mass of th their bodies.

The one on the right had enough Force to knock him over, making him do almost a half front flip and landing on his face. The second one on his left was able to bring his hand up quick enough to guard against the strike, but still got sent flying backwards about 5 ft from the recoil alone.

Aegis assume that Tomoe would be able to take care of the third as he engaged the first two in front of him.

The one that got struck hard and knocked to the ground was not moving but was clearly alive, just severely winded from the air forced out of his lungs. The one that had been on the left could not draw his weapon with his right hand any longer, as it seemed unable to be used at the current moment. However, he still had enough strength and will, and quickly drew it with his left hand. As soon as the man looked up with his dagger drawn however he stopped dead in his tracks. Through a step and a half to his left, Aegis had his arm already in front of the man's face, coming in from the right hand side. "Do you wish to continue this foolish endeavour?" He asked the slightly pale man standing in front of him, but almost half his height.

Suddenly the dagger dropped, and without saying a word or sound, the man took off running and dodge into an Alleyway further on the roadway.

PG Quest -15%

WC - 1229


#9Tomoe Tanaka 

Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Mon Jun 15, 2020 10:40 pm

Tomoe Tanaka
At the same time as Aegis took off towards the two thugs in front, Tomoe rushed towards the scimitar-wielding man approaching from the back. He would swing his scimitar towards the Joyan, who would thus match that attack with one of his own; rather than drawing his own sword, however, he jabbed at the scimitar. The blade fell into pieces instantly, with the resulting attack being what felt like a small paper cut on Tomoe's knuckles. Even with that, a paper cut was not minor enough for the man to forgive and forget. As the scimitar thug stumbled backwards in surprise at his precious weapon having shattered, Tomoe ran forward once again without a hint of mercy and delivered an air-splitting dropkick towards the thug's face, cracking his nose off to the left side with the sickening sound of shifting and shattering cartilage. Quickly after finishing this assault that would have started and stopped in mere seconds from Tomoe's starting position, the Joyan ended by landing on his feet after the dropkick and quickly unsheathing and throwing his sword towards the crossbow-wielding man.

The sword landed right next to the wall by the thug, who dropped the next bolt he was loading in surprise. In the same manner as earlier, a lock of the man's hair fell away and fell to the ground. Seeing that Aegis was doing well, Tomoe shrugged in relief.

"Didn't amount to shit, eh?", Tomoe thought, taking another look at the scimitar thug who was writhing on the ground and struggling to maintain consciousness while loudly wailing out in pain.

The Joyan raised his foot and brought it down on the writhing man's right ankle with another audible crack. The pain from the stomp was enough to send the man unconscious at last, leaving only the crossbow thug remaining as Tomoe and presumably Aegis would draw their attention towards him. Not a hint of forgiveness was in Tomoe's eyes, but instead the eyes of a hungry beast that had nibbled on a good steak and wanted more.

The hunchbacked thug hastily began fiddling to load another bolt into his crossbow, and would take a shot at whoever was closer by the time he had finished; that is, if he would be allowed to finish loading at all.

"Put it down now, man, before you get your ass whooped harder than your cronies. Hopalong over there's already gonna need himself some major fuckin' surgery if he makes it through this."

And yet, the crossbowman did not listen.

WC: 1,700/1,700 (15% reduced)


Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:34 am



-Do not fret the Night-


"Together, we will arise with the morning light."


After waiting for a short second to see if the man Tomoe spoke to was going to continue fighting or give up the endeavor. He stood still for a second almost as if he was pondering the idea but ended up raising the bolt to try and rearm the weapon. As he brought the rugged and worn bolt up to place the fletching inside the crossbows chamber, Aegis pushed off with his feet heading towards him from where the other two lay on the ground. As the bolt flew, its trajectory was clearly aimed towards the noble with direct intent to hit him in the chest. Luckily, aegis was able to step in front of him as the bolt hit, ricocheting the small metal head off of his hardened plate mail with relative ease. The noble however fell down to the ground yelling thinking he was hit with the strike. Aegis new that they didn't land however so continued focussing on the man in front of him.With an additional two quick steps, he was back in front of the bolt user who had no chance of time to reload another shot. He quickly backhanded the crossbow out of his hand with his left and came across after a wind up and hit him across the head with his right. The fight was easily ended with that strike, and Aegis turned around and faced the noble.

"Now, may I suggest we continue on our way to avoid additional altercations?" the remark was sincere and didn't hint at sarcasm but Tomoe I knew him well enough to know there was obvious frustration considering the man has been making their job much more difficult the longer they spent time here in the neighbourhood. The obvious abuse of the people from the noble was not helping the situation nor allowing their continuation without combat.

"Y..Y..Yes. I do believe we should move on." the noble said to them as he got up off the ground dusting himself off while feeling his chest to make sure there was no wounds or bolt sticking out of him. Leaving the men on the ground, they continued onward down the road, starting to incline and leading back up to the top of the city centre of the district they were currently in. However, the Noble was still visibly shaken and didn't really speak much as they continued on. The roads were a little emptier than before, less crowds after the word of the attacks spread presumably.

"Is there any other particular business you need to attend to?"

"Not really that I can think of. I think just leaving this Damned district to its own devices it is in the best interest of us all."

Aegis I didn't particularly like the view portrayed by the noble even now, but he was more focussed now on making sure he got out of live rather than the discontent of his actions and words.


PG Quest -15%

WC - 1700


#11Tomoe Tanaka 

Silver City [Quest][Aegis] Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:33 am

Tomoe Tanaka
Tomoe would split from the noble shortly after they had gotten him to safety. The rich and defenseless were a source of endless resources and annoyance in equal parts, and that contradiction was the most puzzling thing to him. He knew the world couldn't exist without the greedy and the morally reprehensible, but even so, it also couldn't exist without the scavengers of the world. People like Tomoe were just as important as the rich and influential. Growing up in the streets, though, there was obvious condemnation from the crimson cutthroat to those who had grown up in a warm home with proper education.

Must be nice., he thought, making his way out of the lower district and towards the upper district after parting with Aegis.

Perhaps there was something to the whole bodyguard thing, though? Though maybe it would require somebody more morally grey than Tomoe Tanaka to meet the heartless demands of the nobility? He thought on such things as he made his way around, picking up information on potential future clients that weren't the awful types of people that would literally laugh at orphans. Working for someone like that might not be the worst, in Tomoe's opinion.

After a while of searching for clients, the Joyan turned in once he felt his day was done. It was time to count his coins while thinking of all the poor orphans that would need to be humiliated so that he could make more money in the future. Such a sad fate, yet it was still an upgrade from kicking orphans, at the end of the day.

WC: 1,700/1,700 (15% reduced)

- Exit -

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