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Staff Applications: October

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Staff Applications: October Empty Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:45 pm


Interested in helping out with Mod or Dev tasks? Fill in the template below and post it in this topic.

[b]Age:[/b] Real age, of course.

[b]Activity:[/b] How active are you really?

[b]Discord:[/b] Who are you on Discord? Discord is our primary form of communication.

[b]Reason:[/b] What motivates you to join the staff?

[b]Skills:[/b] Please detail what you can do for FTRP.

[b]Specific Type of Review mod?:[/b] Please put here what you're willing to review rather it be; battle mod, spells, etc.

[b]Experience:[/b] Do you have any other forum experiences in similar roles?

[b]Timezone:[/b] Self-explanatory.

#2Poropo Poproporp 

Staff Applications: October Empty Sat Oct 09, 2021 4:33 pm

Poropo Poproporp
Age: 26

Activity: 1-3 hours a day

Discord: Zadi#7644

Reason: I want players to worry about the speed of approval less and generally help the site flourish.

Skills: I've done a lot of quests on this site so I know how questing works. I have also played the games every day so I know how they work. I've made a jumble of spells and am in the process of making more so I've read the magic regulations extensively. I've also purchased many things from the shop so I know what gets a discount and what doesn't, and I know where discounts would come from.

Specific Type of Review mod?: Quests, Games, Spells, and Shop.

Experience: I've been a mod and/or admin on other sites, but those sites don't exist anymore.

Timezone: Central Standard Time, USA.

#3Knuckles Shi 

Staff Applications: October Empty Sat Oct 09, 2021 5:42 pm

Knuckles Shi

Age: 29

Activity: On site about 4 hours through out the day, on the discord most days throughout the day.

Discord: Who are you on Discord? Discord is our primary form of communication.

Reason: Things are behind, when things pile up activity drops.

Skills: clear out reviews, bring in To knowledge of
19 years, create
Specific Type of Review mod?: just normal review mod for now.

Experience: yes, from mod, to owner, everything in between. I've done world plot, events, item creation, system creation, etc

Timezone: Central


Staff Applications: October Empty Sat Oct 09, 2021 8:22 pm

Age: 30

Activity: Depending on the day anywhere from 1-2 hours to the entire day. Work schedule's can be a little hectic.

Discord: Herald#1829

Reason: Get shit done, keep things done and such. I also really enjoy  it here and I want to see more get done quickly. Oh and to support existing staff cause it seems like they need a breather~

Skills: Consistent reviewing, feedback, and circumstantial necessity/adaptability.

Specific Type of Review mod?: Quest, Shop, games and if needed spell/battle. A bit of an everyman if you will.

Experience: Yes. Roughly 3 years as an admin, 3 years as a co-admin and 2 years as a supplementary staff member focused on story-telling and worldbuilding.

Timezone: Central Standard Time, United States.

Last edited by Lucretia Wolfenstein on Mon Oct 11, 2021 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total


Staff Applications: October Empty Sun Oct 10, 2021 11:21 am

Age: 26 ._.

Activity: atm not active at all (woops) but I spent too much money on MM to leave..(no but fr, I just recently got around buying a new laptop and it‘s arriving next week so things will be better again from then on)

Discord: Yuno #6969 (Nuala)

Reason: 1. bullying muzi 2. maintaining law and order

Skills: everything related to grading except fights/battlemodding. i can do behind the scenes work in the dev area and administrative stuff but I‘d rather not work in actual dev bc i‘m not good at it. i‘m also good at making and keeping track of lists such as FC lists sooo…maintenance?

Specific Type of Review mod?: grading and approval

Experience: moderator on off since 2013 on ftrp, admin for a while too.

Timezone: whatever germany has (that‘s in europe)

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