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Zane and Beelzebub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""subtly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" mess around in Astera in a thread that is not at all meant as a last-ditch effort to make the February Activity Check [Solo]

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Zane and Beelzebub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""subtly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" mess around in Astera in a thread that is not at all meant as a last-ditch effort to make the February Activity Check [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:04 pm

"Is it just me..." Zane suspiciously eyed the man across from the bench he sat at. He was performing for a bunch of children using fire magic. "Or is magic a lot more common now?" He asked, his eyes now moving to an elderly woman using wind magic to dry her clothes. Zane took a massive chomp of his ice cream as he let Beelzebub speak, the sheer cold of the treat making it a miracle that he didn't give himself brainfreeze right then and there. "While I'd love to say that this is just a coincidence, I too have witnessed many people using magic for daily tasks since we returned from the Abyss. What in the world happened?" Beelzebub asked. Zane nodded, making a little "mhm" sound as he took another huge chunk of ice cream off the cone. There was clearly something the two of them missed while Zane was down under.


Zane and Beelzebub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""subtly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" mess around in Astera in a thread that is not at all meant as a last-ditch effort to make the February Activity Check [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:09 pm

"I couldn't use magic originally, you know." Zane arose from his place on the bench, finishing up the last bits of his ice cream cone and tossing the wrapping in a nearby garbage can. "You're still unable to, you know." Beelzebub noted, prompting a quick eyebrow raise from Zane. He placed his hands in his pockets, chatting with Beelzebub in his mind as he passed by countless people on the streets of Astera. "The hell do you mean? I've been using magic tons! Or did you miss all the times I whipped it out in the Abyss?"

"You're not using YOUR magic, you're using MY magic." Beelzebub corrected him. Technically this wasn't exactly right either, but it was probably less wrong than whatever Zane was going to say. "Hmph." Zane replied, placing his hands behind his head. "Technically you're using MY body, so I'd say that it's more than fair."


Zane and Beelzebub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""subtly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" mess around in Astera in a thread that is not at all meant as a last-ditch effort to make the February Activity Check [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:13 pm

Beezlebub gagged a little bit, closing all 10000 of his little (purely metaphorical) fly eyes in disgust. "Augh. Don't say it like that. Please... I beg you."

Zane sighed, spinning around as he walked out of pure boredom. What were they even doing in Astera anyways? What was the point of it? What was the point of anything? What was the point of this thread? What was the point of bringing back their 4th wall breaking tendencies this late into the game? Weren't they done being comic relief characters?

"Look, this thread is going nowhere. Can't you say something interesting so this feels less... boring?" Zane asked in a more desperate tone than usual, this entire experience hurting his very soul. This was pure suffering. This was hell. This was... rock bottom. But the good part about rock bottom was that you could only go up... theoretically, anyways. There was probably still plenty of room for things to get worse from here on out.


Zane and Beelzebub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""subtly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" mess around in Astera in a thread that is not at all meant as a last-ditch effort to make the February Activity Check [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:16 pm

"What in the world do you expect me to come up with?" Beelzebub asked, feeling more than a little bit put on the spot by Zane's task. It wasn't exactly easy to just come up with something 'interesting'. It was so subjective! And nobody really comes up with stuff just for the sake of being interesting, most of the time it has a different purpose in mind and just kind of ends up becoming interesting on its own midway through. "Why don't we play like... eye spy or something?" Zane asked, willing to pull just about anything out of his hat at this point. He was really, really desperate. But it couldn't be that bad, could it? Eye spy was fun, and he had not played it for a solid 20 years or so now. This would be nostalgic! He had a strong feeling that he could probably beat Beelzebub in this one too.


Zane and Beelzebub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""subtly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" mess around in Astera in a thread that is not at all meant as a last-ditch effort to make the February Activity Check [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:20 pm

Beelzebub sighed, deciding to just give in and play this little game that Zane had suggested. "Fine. How do you play eye spy?" Beelzebub asked, wishing to know the rules of the game before jumping in... though something told him that they were probably very simple. "It's a pretty complex game of wits." Zane explained. "Basically, the first of us says "eye spy with my little eye..." and then we say something to describe that thing, like.... "something green!" and then the other one has to guess they were talking about." And with that the entirety of the eye spy rulebook had been laid out. Beelzebub had a solid understanding of the game now, though he was a bit worried about how simple the adjective for the thing spyed could be. But perhaps he could use that to his advantage and entrap Zane with a rather simple description that could cause him to look at something else instead? Perhaps there was more room for strategical planning in this game than at first glance...


Zane and Beelzebub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""subtly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" mess around in Astera in a thread that is not at all meant as a last-ditch effort to make the February Activity Check [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:24 pm

Zane stood still for the time being so that the field of view stayed consistent.  "Alright. I spy with my little eye..." Beelzebub scanned the area, looking for targets that he knew that Zane would probably hone in on. Any women in the vicinity would probably immediately catch Zane's interest, so he simply chose the color of one the woman's dresses - blue - and tried to find another blue thing in the area. Luckily for Beelzebub there was a blue-painted bench not far off from there, hidden in the background of him and Zane's shared field of vision. This was it. Beelzebub's victory was assured. ... blue. I spy something blue." Now all that remained was for Zane to absolutely blunder, leaving Beelzebub alone in his victory, triumphing above his host in the most grand and impressive way possible. From this day forth he would probably have Zane bow to him every morning...


Zane and Beelzebub """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""subtly""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" mess around in Astera in a thread that is not at all meant as a last-ditch effort to make the February Activity Check [Solo] Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:28 pm

Zane's mind stopped... but not really. It wasn't that his mind stopped, but rather that his thoughts were going so fast that the rest of the world seemed to come to a halt around him. Words flashed through his mind. Beelzebub. Blue. Eye. Spy. Fly. What did it all mean? What was his plan? Zane thought about the pretty woman in the blue dress. Blue. Spy. Eye. Her eyes were brown. Blue dress. But was that it? Or did Beelzebub set that woman there as a trap? Not everything in the world was as it seemed. Zane's mind went deeper than any other. Further than any other. Faster than any other. And thanks to all of that it was able to reach the apex of its existence - the truth.

"That blue bench." Zane nodded towards the painted seat. "Wha- how did you...?" Beelzebub was flabbergasted. How did Zane manage to see through his trap?

"Sometimes you're just that good."


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