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Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore]

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Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore] Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 7:21 am


Name: Reign Of Nightmares

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Vyra Emrakul


An artifact unearthed. Its delivery denied. Relaxation stolen. A coup initiated. A Nightmare awoken.

It was never meant to lead to any of this. This was not the path she was meant to walk.

Vyra hoped that going to the Hosenka would be a chance to finally enjoy herself. A vacation. A long overdue break from what had been a truly tiring and draining two years spent within Hargeon, complete with her capture by the Witch Hunters and subsequently joining Blue Pegasus. But that would not come to happen.

Instead she finds herself a key pawn within the shifting and conflicting cultures of the North, a Lord trying to hold onto the old ways of a time now gone, a lone bastion of Illumin having struggled enduring nightmares, a cult growing more and more, and an ambitious daughter that looks to intertwine it all together in a grand power play.

In retrieving Morrigan's Staff, Vyra has knocked down the first domino, with every step causing the next to tumble down. A progression that will affect not only her, but will leave a lasting impact upon the rest of Fiore.

A countess begrudgingly waits her turn upon the throne.

The Sisters fade from the Light in favor of Nightmares.

The Black Gospel lies hidden within the homes of Orchidia.

The Demi-Human shall set it in motion. The Demi-Human shall reap what is sown.

Objective: Having hoped to enjoy an overdue vacation in Hosenka, Vyra quickly finds herself within Orchidia, a key pawn in an bloody game of political theater with a dynamic cast of actors. Sisters of Illumin having survived horrors, a cult that exists within the shadows, a Lord barely keeping his lands, the daughter that seeks to pave her own legacy, and the ancient darkness that lingers over all of them, focused upon the Demi-Human in the middle of it all.

Lore Ramifications:

  • End of the Old Guard: The familicide of the Barothy Lordship at the instruction of the now-Countess Veronica Barothy in conjunction with the apparent aid of the Midnight Cult, leave a feeling of uncertainty throughout North Fiore among the remaining Lords.
  • The Northern Light Awry: Between the staged heroics of the Midnight Cult alongside the rumored actions of the two Sisters within Orchidia, faith in Illumin begins to waiver as a growing percentages begin to follow the route of the Cult, worshipping an entity known only as HER. Much of Fiore still views this as simple heresy.
  • Whispers in the North: Through the whispers and rumors that spread throughout, the Midnight Cult become more of a prevalent boogeyman within the rest of Fiore, including Central and South.
  • The Nightmare: At first plagued by nightmares, Vyra suffers with her dark persona inheriting a taste of the power of Nacht, becoming the Nightmare Dragon Slayer, while Vyra's true persona begins to suffer the residual effects of this.

Name: Coffers Pilfered

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: On the way to enjoy what was meant to be a long, long overdue vacation within Hosenka, Vyra's arrival and intended trip is irrevocably interrupted and derailed as she stumbles upon the waning moments of a seemingly impromptu battle. Scouring the remains, picking off what combatants remain, Vyra finds herself the lone recipient of the spoils; a rare staff, unlike that of anything that she has seen before, seeming to have been lost to time.


Cultists (8): Oft shrouded figures, adorned in presumed religious markings. Their intentions are largely unknown, save for their very particular interest towards the sealed item being delivered. Armed, but hardly armored; their strength most lies within their numbers.

Soldiers (4): Foot soldiers flying the flag of Lord Barothy, they are both the sword and shield of His rule, His authority, and His proper. Provided standard armor, they possess expected defenses at the cost of speed. Weaponry varies.


  • 10 SP
  • 500 Infamy
  • 500,000 J
  • 15,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Hosenka.
  • Vyra will be walking down one of the unexplored roads when the peace of it will be interrupted by sounds of violence.
  • She will encounter what can only be described as a serious battle between lightly-armored soldiers and attackers wearing cult-like robes.
  • Their numbers will continue to decline to the point where Vyra will finally involve herself, eliminating who is left.
  • Once they're dealt with, Vyra shall attempt to retrieve the cargo that was being fought after.
  • Following several failed attempts to unearth the contents, Vyra will finally meet success, acquiring an old and ancient staff.
  • With nobody to stop her, Vyra shall take the staff and be back on her way to Hosenka.

Name: From Sauna to Shackles

Rank: A

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: Arriving in Hosenka and finally able to enjoy an overdue vacation, Vyra begins to unwind. While the events of earlier still remain in her mind, she tries to ignore it in favor of relaxation. However that is interrupted when she is ambushed by a highly-armored knight and a small force accompanying him, who capture her and deliver her to their Lord, based deep within the Northern parts of Fiore so that she may face judgment.


Ser Gallahan: The High Knight under the Minor Lord of Orchidia, Lord Barothy II. A devout follower to the throne, he answers without question and performs his tasks faithfully. Intimidating for his prowess in battle, he has been regarded as the most powerful force under the Barothy Banner.

Soldiers (8): Foot soldiers flying the flag of Lord Barothy, they are both the sword and shield of His rule, His authority, and His proper. Provided standard armor, they possess expected defenses at the cost of speed. Weaponry varies.


  • 7 SP
  • 400 Infamy
  • 250,000 J
  • 10,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Hosenka.
  • Having acquired the strange staff from the previous topic, Vyra know looks to enjoy her vacation.
  • She will spend some time enjoying herself, being pampered, and most of all getting some long overdue relaxation.
  • At some point, this enjoyment will be interrupted by a towering Knight clad in armor who will attempt to apprehend her, along with a small company of soldiers.
  • Though Vyra will try her hardest, however the encounter goes, she will ultimately lose and fall unconscious.
  • She will awaken, bound and gagged within a carriage where the Knight will explain that they are on the way to Orchidia where she will face trial and likely be put to death for stealing the staff from his Lord.

Name: A Daughter's Charity

Rank: A

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: Having arrived at the Barothy Estate in the northern parts of Fiore, a bound and gagged Vyra awaits the purported trial in which she will be tried for everything having to do with the staff she had acquired. Entering inside, she is immediately met by the old Lord whom seems ready to have her executed at first glance. As a sham trial takes place, Vyra's fate seems all but sealed, until a lone voice seems to advocate in her favor; the Lord's only daughter. Through her words, Vyra is spared, but is also exiled from the Keep, left to fend for herself.


Ser Gallahan: The High Knight under the Minor Lord of Orchidia, Lord Barothy II. A devout follower to the throne, he answers without question and performs his tasks faithfully. Intimidating for his prowess in battle, he has been regarded as the most powerful force under the Barothy Banner.

Lord Reginald Barothy II: One of the last remaining Lords within the Northern lands of Fiore, Barothy II has seen grip of his lands slip away over the past several years, accelerated by the actions of Paradise Dawn. Unwavering and cold, he views the slightest offenses against him as warranting of death.

Lady Aria Barothy: Wife to the Lord Barothy. Once held in high regard, her situation has many regarding her more as a prisoner than that of a noble.

Veronica Barothy: The Countess-in-waiting. Veronica has long possessed the foresight to rule. Views her father as weak and believes that she should be seated atop the throne and not him.


  • 7 SP
  • 400 Fame
  • 250,000 J
  • 10,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia (Must have traveled to Northern Fiore prior to Topic Creation).
  • After a long trip in captivity, Vyra's captors finally arrive in Orchidia.
  • Exhausted, she is immediately brought forth and ordered to stand trial.
  • In what will be a series of accusations and lies which she will be barred from objecting to, it becomes all but certain that she will be found guilty and put to death.
  • Before a verdict is reached, Vyra will be saved thanks to the interruption of a young woman who is quickly identified as the Lord's daughter.
  • Though she is not put to death, Vyra is subsequently exiled and banished from the Lord's Keep.

Name: The Two Sisters

Rank: A

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: After having been spared the fate of death by the Lord Barothy II, Vyra has been otherwise exiled and banished. Left to fend for herself, she is again provided solace in the form of the Lord's daughter, Veronica Barothy, who in secret helps the Demi-Human find refuge within an small church located a short distance from the Barothy Keep. Once there, Vyra is introduced to a pair of Sisters who take the Demi-Human in and offer her food and shelter until proper transportation can be provided for her to leave out of the North safely. However, that is not expected to be for several days at the earliest.


Veronica Barothy: The Countess-in-waiting. Veronica has become a favored daughter amongst the people. Charismatic and bright, the expectation is that she will accomplish great things in her life.

Ser Gholston: One of the Knights under Lord Barothy II, Ser Gholston has served as the bodyguard to the Countess-in-waiting Veronica Barothy. Now her most loyal supporter, Ser Gholston views his loyalty not to the House of Barothy, but to the Barothy Daughter alone.

Sister Talia: Once a famed adventurer and swordswoman who alongside her sister pledged her life towards the Church of Illumin, Sister Talia was plagued by an unknown horror which ultimately led to her blinding herself. Since, the Sisters have maintained their Church, but a frightening presence looms over them.

Sister Mara: Much like her sister, Sister Mara pledged her life towards the Church of Illumin, but following an encounter that caused her sister's blindness, Mara has since become reclusive, described even as no longer herself. Though they continue to maintain their Church, a frightening presence seems to linger over them.


  • 7 SP
  • 400 Fame
  • 250,000 J
  • 10,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • Having avoided execution, Vyra finds herself being escorted out of the Barothy Keep, left to fend for herself in exile.
  • After a short time of travelling alone, Vyra is met by the woman who saved her, Countess Veronica Barothy and her bodyguard, Ser Gholston. Apologizing on behalf of her father, the Countess offers to help Vyra.
  • The trio will travel for a short time, before finally arriving at a small, isolated church, empty except for a pair of two women.
  • The two sisters will accept Vyra and allow her refuge and nourishment while Veronica Barothy arranges for a carriage to return her to Hosenka.
  • Though excited to hear this, there is a moment of disappointment upon hearing that it will take several days at the minimum for the transportation to arrive.

Name: Blood, Sweat, and Fears

Rank: A

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: Having been taken in by the two Sisters, Talia and Mara, Vyra begins to repair their kindness by performing a variety of tasks. Most of them are those of the physical labor variety, which leaves the Demi-Human utterly exhausted. At the same time, she begins to recognize that things seem off with the Sisters, to the point that come nightfall she discovers a secret that they have been hiding from her.


Sister Talia: Once a famed adventurer and swordswoman who alongside her sister pledged her life towards the Church of Illumin, Sister Talia was plagued by an unknown horror which ultimately led to her blinding herself. Since, the Sisters have maintained their Church, but a frightening presence looms over them.

Sister Mara: Much like her sister, Sister Mara pledged her life towards the Church of Illumin, but following an encounter that caused her sister's blindness, Mara has since become reclusive, described even as no longer herself. Though they continue to maintain their Church, a frightening presence seems to linger over them.


  • 7 SP
  • 400 Fame
  • 250,000 J
  • 10,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • Vyra, grateful for the kindness displayed by the two Sisters, has agreed to help them out with a variety of tasks over the course of the next several days until the arranged transportation arrives.
  • Much of the work that they have for Vyra are labor-intensive, leaving Vyra more tired with each passing task.
  • These tasks will include tending to all of the crops, including their watering, cleaning the Church, removing boulders that litter the grounds, and tasks of those variety.
  • At night, once she is finished and thoroughly exhausted, she will happen upon the two Sisters discussing something in private.
  • As she eavesdrops upon them, she comes to find a dark secret that they had been hiding from the world, one that leaves Vyra stunned to hear.

Name: The Girl in the Mirror

Rank: A

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: After having discovered the secret kept hidden by the two Sisters, Vyra is left shaken, fearful of what is going on within her, worried not only for their own safety, but hers as well. Compounded by the exhaustion of the physical labor she did earlier, she quickly falls into a deep sleep. But what should have been a restful night is far from it, with Vyra trapped within her own nightmare, confronted by what she fears, her dark personality given human form. Through their long-overdue interaction, Vyra eventually awakens out of the nightmare, only to discover that the church has received a late night guest, the Countess-in-waiting, Veronica Barothy.


Sister Talia: Once a famed adventurer and swordswoman who alongside her sister pledged her life towards the Church of Illumin, Sister Talia was plagued by an unknown horror which ultimately led to her blinding herself. Since, the Sisters have maintained their Church, but a frightening presence looms over them.

Sister Mara: Much like her sister, Sister Mara pledged her life towards the Church of Illumin, but following an encounter that caused her sister's blindness, Mara has since become reclusive, described even as no longer herself. Though they continue to maintain their Church, a frightnening presence seems to linger over them.

Vyra Emrakul: A manifestation of Vyra's darker persona, given form within the realm of her nightmares. Her personality remains consistent with that which always existed, made only worse over time with its increasingly powerful aptitude towards Magic, having long surpassed Vyra's own capabilities.

Veronica Barothy: The Countess-in-waiting. Veronica has become a favored daughter amongst the people. Charismatic and bright, the expectation is that she will accomplish great things in her life.


  • 7 SP
  • 400 Infamy
  • 250,000 J
  • 10,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • Vyra will try to go to bed, but she will be overcome with a sense of guilt, knowing what her presence is doing to not just the Sisters, but also to herself.
  • Combined with the exhaustion of the work done earlier, Vyra will soon descend into a deep sleep.
  • Her dream will appear far more like that of a nightmare, and as she explores it, she will encounter an unexpected person there. Her Dark Persona.
  • Reunited for the first time since she had first discovered her Magical capabilities, the two will reflect on what has happened since.
  • A sense of terror will begin to overwhelm Vyra the longer she engages with her other self, to the point that she will frighten herself awake.
  • Once awake, Vyra shall discover that Veronica Barothy had arrived at the church not too long ago as well, seeking her.

Name: The Opening Hand

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: Although Veronica Barothy's appearance is a welcome one, few recognize the dire implications behind it. By protecting Vyra, Veronica now finds her own survival at risk, due in much part to her father. With his control over the lands weakening by the day, Veronica's objection stands as the latest perceived assault against his reign. Unwilling to allow him to strike, Veronica calls upon Vyra to aid her in securing the throne. To do this, she requires the Demi-Human to reach out to a hidden ally protected by the Sisters, one who would be able to significantly shift the scales in her favor, and with the staff that Vyra acquired, they have the perfect bargaining chip to win them over to their cause.


Veronica Barothy: The Countess-in-waiting. Veronica has waited years for the chance to erase the weakness that is her father's legacy. With his hold all but lost upon the lands, she views now as the perfect window to strike, and will pave the road to her throne with the blood of her father.

Sister Talia: A fallen Sister of Illumin who walked away from the faith upon encountering the Nightmare. She believed self-mutilation would erase what she had seen, which for a time disappeared. But with Vyra's arrival, she has begun to see them again.

Sister Mara: Like her sister, Mara bore witness to the Nightmare, but was able to salvage her resolve to look past it. However the corruption lingered, albeit at bay. Until Vyra showed up, then the corruption began to show itself once again.

Ser Gholston: One of the Knights under Lord Barothy II, Ser Gholston has served as the bodyguard to the Countess-in-waiting Veronica Barothy. Now her most loyal supporter, Ser Gholston views his loyalty not to the House of Barothy, but to the Barothy Daughter alone.

Cultist Leader: An individual that exists within the shadows of Orchidia. Those who know of them understand their plight, but fear what may come of knowing their existence. They move their agenda forward, with or without the aid of others.


  • 10 SP
  • 500 Infamy
  • 500,000 J
  • 15,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • Still a bit groggy from having woken up unexpectedly, Vyra does not fully understand the significance to Veronica Barothy's unplanned visit.
  • The Countess-in-waiting will explain that her safety is now at risk following what happened back at the Barothy Keep, and the time of inaction can no longer persist.
  • Veronica will reach out to Vyra, begging her to help her overthrow her father, lest his madness lead to the deaths of countless, including Veronica and the Sisters.
  • Upon agreeing to help, Vyra will be instructed to join Ser Gholston to locate a Cultist leader that is being housed in secret by the Sisters.
  • The duo will venture out and meet with them, gaining their trust only after presenting the terms of the arrangement, namely the staff that Vyra had taken.
  • Once the deal has been struck, Vyra will remain there as the Cultist leader prepares to break down the next step of Veronica Barothy's plan.

Name: Lamb's Blood

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: With the deal struck, Vyra is off to aid in the next step of Veronica Barothy's attempt to oust her father as the current lord of the lands. Now having the Cultist Leader and the rest of the Midnight Cult supporting her efforts, the next step is to further turn support against Lord Barothy. That comes with a scouting party sent to find Veronica Barothy, instead being the victims of an ambush by Vyra and company. Assuming their identities, the false company will visit the nearby villages, taking stealing people from their households. After all, who should be surprised by this sort of behavior by Lord Barothy's forces?


Cultist Leader: An individual that exists within the shadows of Orchidia. Those who know of them understand their plight, but fear what may come of knowing their existence. They move their agenda forward, with or without the aid of others.

Ser Gholston: One of the Knights under Lord Barothy II, Ser Gholston has served as the bodyguard to the Countess-in-waiting Veronica Barothy. Now her most loyal supporter, Ser Gholston views his loyalty not to the House of Barothy, but to the Barothy Daughter alone.

Cultists: Oft shrouded figures, adorned in presumed religious markings. Their intentions are largely unknown, save for their very particular interest towards the sealed item being delivered. Armed, but hardly armored; their strength most lies within their numbers.


Barothy Royal Guard: The most elite guards in service of Lord Reginald Barothy. Highly trained and loyal to Barothy, their deployment represents missions of the most critical nature.

Soldiers (8): Foot soldiers flying the flag of Lord Barothy, they are both the sword and shield of His rule, His authority, and His proper. Provided standard armor, they possess expected defenses at the cost of speed. Weaponry varies.


  • 10 SP
  • 500 Infamy
  • 500,000 J
  • 15,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • Having reached an agreement with the Cultist Leader, Vyra will now discuss the next phase of their plan.
  • Intent on turning the trust of the people against Lord Barothy, Vyra, the Leader, and some of their supporters discuss the plan.
  • Word soon reaches of a Barothy scouting party that had been deployed, led by one of the Barothy Royal Guards.
  • Realizing this as the perfect opportunity, Vyra and a small assault group ambush the scouting party and then assume their identities.
  • While impersonating the Barothy forces, approach multiple homes within the nearby village, forcing extracting people out of their homes.
  • Once the "kidnapped" people are removed and held safely within a Cult safehouse, Vyra will be instructed to return to Veronica Barothy, to inform the Countess-in-waiting of their plan's success.

Name: See No Madness

Rank: A

Type: Good


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: The campaign against Lord Barothy continues to move forward as his daughter had anticipated. The ambushing of the Barothy forces presented an unexpected boon and despite the weak promises of the cultists regarding the kidnapped villagers' safety, Vyra finds herself feeling more and more uncomfortable with this campaign being waged. Seeking solace from the two Sisters, Vyra comes to understand more about them, including their own interactions with the Nightmare. Hoping to find out more of what they know about her, they are interrupted by the arrival of a Barothy guard unit mobilizing upon the Church. Seeking Vyra, the Barothy Guard Captain will demand Vyra's arrest, to which will prompt a violent response by the people. After the unit is dealt with, the people will mobilize against Lord Barothy. Finally, Veronica Barothy has her revolution.


Sister Talia: A fallen Sister of Illumin who walked away from the faith upon encountering the Nightmare. She believed self-mutilation would erase what she had seen, which for a time disappeared. But with Vyra's arrival, she has begun to see them again.

Sister Mara: Like her sister, Mara bore witness to the Nightmare, but was able to salvage her resolve to look past it. However the corruption lingered, albeit at bay. Until Vyra showed up, then the corruption began to show itself once again.


Captain of the Guard: The Captain of the Barothy Guard. The most impressive soldier under the Banner who was never knighted. Rather than serve in that role, he instead opted to train future generations, but is still a formidable fighter in his own right.

Soldiers (6): Foot soldiers flying the flag of Lord Barothy, they are both the sword and shield of His rule, His authority, and His proper. Provided standard armor, they possess expected defenses at the cost of speed. Weaponry varies.


  • 7 SP
  • 400 Infamy
  • 250,000 J
  • 10,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • Despite receiving a promise to the safety of the "kidnapped" villagers, Vyra still finds herself doubting herself and her involvement.
  • Hoping to clear her mind, perhaps understand more about what is going on, she visits the Church and speaks to the two Sisters.
  • They explain to Vyra about what happened to them, how they encountered the Nightmare, and try to provide insight into Vyra's plight.
  • Before they are able to tell Vyra more, they are interrupted by a small Barothy force that arrives outside of the Church.
  • Demanding to arrest Vyra for her involvement in the attempted kidnapping of Veronica Barothy, the group moves towards her but are stopped by a growing mob that attacks the soldiers.
  • Vyra will join in, helping to slay the arrest party and watch as the angry mob marches towards the Barothy Keep.

Name: The Breach

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: The people descend upon Barothy Keep. The coup set in motion by Veronica Barothy has begun, and yet she is nowhere to be found. Taken by her father's forces and held within the Keep, the task falls upon Vyra to retrieve the countess-in-waiting from the Keep before she is caught in the fighting. Aided by an injured Ser Gholston, Vyra must venture through the Keep, fighting off Barothy resistance until finally they find Veronica, restrained but otherwise unharmed. With Ser Gholston's condition getting worse with each passing fight, the focus shifts from a rescue mission to that of an escape effort instead.


Sister Talia: A fallen Sister of Illumin who walked away from the faith upon encountering the Nightmare. She believed self-mutilation would erase what she had seen, which for a time disappeared. But with Vyra's arrival, she has begun to see them again.

Sister Mara: Like her sister, Mara bore witness to the Nightmare, but was able to salvage her resolve to look past it. However the corruption lingered, albeit at bay. Until Vyra showed up, then the corruption began to show itself once again.

Ser Gholston: One of the Knights under Lord Barothy II, Ser Gholston has served as the bodyguard to the Countess-in-waiting Veronica Barothy. Now her most loyal supporter, Ser Gholston views his loyalty not to the House of Barothy, but to the Barothy Daughter alone.

Veronica Barothy: The Countess-in-waiting. Veronica has waited years for the chance to erase the weakness that is her father's legacy. With his hold all but lost upon the lands, she views now as the perfect window to strike, and will pave the road to her throne with the blood of her father.


Barothy Royal Guard (4): The most elite guards in service of Lord Reginald Barothy. Highly trained and loyal to Barothy, their deployment represents missions of the most critical nature.

Soldiers (16): Foot soldiers flying the flag of Lord Barothy, they are both the sword and shield of His rule, His authority, and His proper. Provided standard armor, they possess expected defenses at the cost of speed. Weaponry varies.


  • 10 SP
  • 500 Infamy
  • 500,000 J
  • 15,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • As the masses of people begin to march towards the Barothy Keep, a thought occurs to Vyra. Just where is Veronica?
  • After what seems like a fruitless search, Vyra and the Sisters locate Ser Gholston. Wounded, but still alive. He says that Barothy forces took Veronica back to the Barothy Keep.
  • Recognizing that the countess-in-waiting is now in danger, Vyra and Ser Gholston embark towards the Keep, despite the latter's worsening condition.
  • Fighting through the Barothy forces, they eventually locate Veronica restrained within her private chambers.
  • Freeing her, the severity of Ser Gholston's wounds become more apparent, with the new focus shifting instead to escaping with all of them alive.
  • Avoiding what fights they are able, eventually the trio is able to escape and return to the Church, only for Ser Gholston to collapse in agony.

Name: Fall of Night

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, visiting the Eastern Fiore lands on what was supposed to be a time of vacation and relaxation. Instead, she finds herself hunted upon from all sides, with every actor having their own value and usage for the young girl.

Summary: Veronica Barothy is safe, but Ser Gholston is in critical condition. Being tended to by the two Sisters, Veronica laments that she and Ser Gholston must have crippled what defenses her father may have had, thus he will attempt to seek shelter while he figures to make an escape. She suspects that Lord Barothy will attempt to seek refuge within the Church, similar to what Vyra had done. If so, it will be in here that Veronica's coup comes to its end and Barothy finally falls. After some time, Ser Gholston's condition seems to improve and signs point to a small caravan advancing upon the Church. When it's revealed to be Lord Barothy, the task falls upon Vyra to eliminate what remains of the Lord's forces including the Lord. Come sunrise, there will be a new Barothy seated upon the throne.


Sister Talia: A fallen Sister of Illumin who walked away from the faith upon encountering the Nightmare. She believed self-mutilation would erase what she had seen, which for a time disappeared. But with Vyra's arrival, she has begun to see them again.

Sister Mara: Like her sister, Mara bore witness to the Nightmare, but was able to salvage her resolve to look past it. However the corruption lingered, albeit at bay. Until Vyra showed up, then the corruption began to show itself once again.

Ser Gholston: One of the Knights under Lord Barothy II, Ser Gholston has served as the bodyguard to the Countess-in-waiting Veronica Barothy. Now her most loyal supporter, Ser Gholston views his loyalty not to the House of Barothy, but to the Barothy Daughter alone.

Veronica Barothy: The Countess-in-waiting. Veronica has waited years for the chance to erase the weakness that is her father's legacy. With his hold all but lost upon the lands, she views now as the perfect window to strike, and will pave the road to her throne with the blood of her father.


Soldiers (8): Foot soldiers flying the flag of Lord Barothy, they are both the sword and shield of His rule, His authority, and His proper. Provided standard armor, they possess expected defenses at the cost of speed. Weaponry varies.

Barothy Royal Guard (3): The most elite guards in service of Lord Reginald Barothy. Highly trained and loyal to Barothy, they will defend the Lord until their last moments.

Lord Reginald Barothy II: One of the last remaining Lords within the Northern lands of Fiore, Barothy II has seen grip of his lands slip away over the past several years, accelerated by the actions of Paradise Dawn. Unwavering and cold, he views the slightest offenses against him as warranting of death.

Lady Aria Barothy: Wife to the Lord Barothy. Once held in high regard, her situation has many regarding her more as a prisoner than that of a noble.


  • 10 SP
  • 500 Infamy
  • 500,000 J
  • 15,000 Experience


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • As the Sisters tend to Ser Gholston, Veronica Barothy confides in Vyra, explaining her confidence in her as to the current state of the war.
  • Veronica believes that her father will attempt to seek refuge within the Church until he can escape the North, much like Vyra's situation.
  • Unable to do much more at the moment, Vyra, Veronica, and the rest of their key people are forced to wait.
  • After a lengthy amount of time has passed, the sounds of a caravan advancing will draw everyone's attention, particularly to the old man in the center of it all, Lord Barothy.
  • While the Lord and his company take refuge within the Church, Vyra will attack, slaughtering what remains of the Barothy forces.
  • As Lord Barothy lay dying, Vyra will make sure that he witnesses firsthand the face upon his daughter as she delights in his death.

Name: The Nightmare Upon Us

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Vyra Emrakul: The Demi-Human, tainted by the Nightmare. Its essence now exists within her, where her darker persona imbues itself with its power and she now finds herself fighting to resist.

Summary: Lord Barothy II is dead. Waging a violence coup that turned the shaky support that he still had against him, his lone daughter, Veronica Barothy has successfully taken the throne. With the Midnight Cult having fulfilled their end of the arrangement, they await their payment in the form of the ancient staff that set all of this forward. Now, only one thing remains before her campaign has truly reached its conclusion; the death of Lord Barothy's most loyal soldier, the now-transformed Werewolf, Ser Gallahan. Driven into an absolute bloodlust, he looks to slaughter everyone, from Vyra to Veronica to the entirety of the Cult. Upon tapping into the Nightmare that has begun to infest her, Vyra makes her stand against the enraged Knight, aided in a final showing by Ser Gholston that stands to claim both Knights. As the dust settles and none remain to challenge Veronica Barothy, all that remains is for the Sisters to show Vyra exactly what they saw, what they see in her, and what is to come. With a long forgotten ritual, Vyra is taken to a realm far beyond this, with her eyes cast upon what can only be described as the absolute Nightmare that will leave her forever affected.


Sister Talia: A fallen Sister of Illumin who walked away from the faith upon encountering the Nightmare. She believed self-mutilation would erase what she had seen, which for a time disappeared. But with Vyra's arrival, she has begun to see them again.

Sister Mara: Like her sister, Mara bore witness to the Nightmare, but was able to salvage her resolve to look past it. However the corruption lingered, albeit at bay. Until Vyra showed up, then the corruption began to show itself once again.

Ser Gholston: One of the Knights under Lord Barothy II, Ser Gholston has served as the bodyguard to the Countess-in-waiting Veronica Barothy. Now her most loyal supporter, Ser Gholston views his loyalty not to the House of Barothy, but to the Barothy Daughter alone.

Veronica Barothy: The Countess-in-waiting. Veronica has waited years for the chance to erase the weakness that is her father's legacy. With his hold all but lost upon the lands, she views now as the perfect window to strike, and will pave the road to her throne with the blood of her father.

Nightmare Manifestation: A loose representation of the Nightmare as it currently exists within the realm. Per what it is, whether it stands as a mere fragment of its absolute power or an illusion, it revels in the absolute terror and fear drained upon the world, drawing strength to whatever its true form truly is.


Ser Gallahan: Lord Barothy's secret weapon. Driven by rage, a sense of failure, and unbridled fury, Ser Gallahan embraces his true self, once again becoming a High Werewolf to slaughter all enemies of the fallen Lord Barothy.

Soldiers (3): Foot soldiers flying the flag of Lord Barothy, they are both the sword and shield of His rule, His authority, and His proper. Provided standard armor, they possess expected defenses at the cost of speed. Weaponry varies.


  • 10 SP
  • 500 Infamy
  • 500,000 J
  • 15,000 Experience
  • Mythic Custom
  • Lore Ramifications Carried Out


  • Create a topic in Orchidia.
  • With Lord Barothy dead, it appears that the time for celebration is finally here for Lady Veronica Barothy.
  • That is, except for the arrival of the Werewolf Ser Gallahan, intent on slaughtering the traitor daughter and all of her allies.
  • Matched against Vyra, the Werewolf seems unstoppable, until a combination of her strongest Nightmare capabilities and a final stand by the wounded, but stable, Ser Gholston.
  • In the wake of that battle, nothing left remains of Lord Barothy's forces. His support is gone. Anything that remains of his reign is gone, having been succeeded by Veronica.
  • With the war over, the Sisters show Vyra what they had begun to discuss earlier. What they saw, what they see in her, and what is to come.
  • Conducting a forgotten ritual, the Sisters send Vyra to an unknown realm where she encounters pure Nightmare.
  • After that encounter, she will return, Veronica having left for her Keep, while the Sisters offer Vyra a parting gift, wishing her the best in what is to come.

Last edited by Vyra Emrakul on Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:47 am; edited 7 times in total

#2Khalfani † 

Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore] Empty Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:26 pm

Khalfani †
This Storyline has Bad Quests and Vyra is in Blue Pegasus which cannot take bad quests.


Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore] Empty Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:29 pm

Bump, ready for grading.


Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore] Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:57 am


Blue pegasus members can only complete good and neutral quests, regardless of assumptions made the user must first leave the guild if they want to complete this storyline with bad quests interwoven.


Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore] Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:26 pm

Based on all latest conversations, things should be resolved, I hope.


Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore] Empty Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:59 am

@Vyra Emrakul may start their storyline. Since it is an Epic Storyline, it has a bit more lenience in terms of possibilities. Therefore, Vyra is allowed to do Bad Quests as a member of Blue Pegasus, however, they must immediately leave Blue Pegasus afterward as a repercussion of their actions. This must be immediately done in a topic after completion of the Reign of Nightmares storyline and may not be stalled. Should the topic be stalled either willingly or unwillingly due to conflicting schedules, Vyra will be removed forcefully from Blue Pegasus without being able to wrap up their departure IC.


Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore] Empty Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:02 am

Claiming completion of the entire Storyline at once.

1. Coffers Pilfered (S)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62427-coffers-pilfered-storyline
  • 875,000 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 18,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 10 SP (Constitution)
  • 500 Infamy

2. From Sauna to Shackles (A)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62428-from-sauna-to-shackles-storyline
  • 437,500 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 12,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 7 SP (Constitution)
  • 400 Infamy (Fame converted via Relic)

3: A Daughter's Charity (A)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62431-a-daughter-s-charity-storyline
  • 437,500 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 12,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 7 SP (Constitution)
  • 400 Infamy (Fame converted via Relic)

4: The Two Sisters (A)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62432-the-two-sisters-storyline
  • 437,500 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 12,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 7 SP (Constitution)
  • 400 Infamy (Fame converted via Relic)

5: Blood, Sweat, and Fears (A)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62433-blood-sweat-and-fears-storyline
  • 437,500 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 12,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 7 SP (Constitution)
  • 400 Infamy (Fame converted via Relic)

6: The Girl in the Mirror (A)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62434-the-girl-in-the-mirror-storyline
  • 437,500 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 12,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 7 SP (Constitution)
  • 400 Infamy

7. The Opening Hand (S)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62435-the-opening-hand-storyline
  • 875,000 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 18,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 10 SP (Constitution)
  • 500 Infamy

8. Lamb's Blood (S)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62437-lamb-s-blood-storyline
  • 875,000 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 18,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 10 SP (Constitution)
  • 500 Infamy

9. See No Madness (A)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62438-see-no-madness-storyline
  • 437,500 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 12,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 7 SP (Constitution)
  • 400 Infamy (Fame converted via Relic)

10. The Breach (S)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62439-the-breach-storyline
  • 875,000 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 18,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 10 SP (Constitution)
  • 500 Infamy

11. Fall of Night (S)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62442-fall-of-night-storyline
  • 875,000 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 18,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 10 SP (Constitution)
  • 500 Infamy

12. The Nightmare Upon Us (S)
Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62447-the-nightmare-upon-us-storyline
  • 875,000 J (+20% Racial, +20% Ring, +20% Tarot, +15% Reputation)
  • 18,000 EXP (+10% Racial, +10% Relic)
  • 10 SP (Constitution)
  • 500 Infamy

Total Rewards:
  • 7,875,000 J
  • 180,000 EXP
  • 102 SP (Constitution)
  • 5400 Infamy (2000 Fame converted via Relic)
  • Mythic Custom

#8Khalfani † 

Reign of Nightmares ♫ [Epic | Lore] Empty Fri Jul 08, 2022 7:48 pm

Khalfani †
@Vyra Emrakul has completed this Storyline. Congrats! Vyra must now complete a thread leaving Blue Pegasus.

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