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Rounding up recruits [C-rank]

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Rounding up recruits [C-rank] Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:43 am

Setesh realized that eventually the time had come for him to spend some time thinking how exactly he wanted to develop his skills. He knew that he grew considerably stronger and if faced with himself from just a weeks ago, he could probably defeat his past self without getting so much as a scratch. Whenever a fledgling mage grows in power, the time comes where they have to decide how they want to use their magic. The way they train and which qualities they emphasize and how they shape their spells will eventually make or break their careers or even lives.
Setesh had given this quite a bit of thought during his morning walk to the army training grounds. His magic was excellent for offense via its very nature and Setesh's natural energy pathways wired in a way that made his spells particularly dangerous and explosive. Indeed, this one particular ability made him particularly dangerous. His fire, as he realized while meditating one day, was not just any normal magical fire. Sensing deeply into it, Setesh saw the intense hatred fueling his abilities. It was making them stronger and fiercer. Even his simplest spells could cause serious harm to an average person. Setesh knew, that such power came at a price, but he did not know what it was, nor could he figure it out.
Morevoer, in terms of combat, Nasser enjoyed getting up close and personal with his enemies. This made him an extremely offensively specialized mage; a frightening enemy to battle, but also one that has many weaknesses. Setesh realized that most offensive-type mages were glass cannons, capable of inflicting incredible damage, but equally incapable of receiving it themselves. He already had innate extreme offensive abilities and so he needed two things: one, the ability to actually shape his much more powerful mana into spells and two, the ability to withstand damage and prolonged combat.



Rounding up recruits [C-rank] Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:43 am

Perhaps it was this strategic mindset that led him to acccept the army's request of helping them recruit civilians. Considering all of the tragedies that befell Earthland, especially the invasion from the Dark Universe, it was no wonder that the army was short on men. Setesh knew that having a strong army was the key to stability in the region and so he gladly accepted the requst. The job was also realtively simple and the pay far superior to the odd jobs he had been doing up to that point, so there was really no reason not to take it. Upon meeting with Guard Captain Devon, Setesh received all his instructions and prepared to take off into town. He was well instructed to try and convince pretty much everyone, of all shapes and sizes, as the guard captain was apparently very confident in his ability to train anyone into a decent soldier. Setesh went into town with a handful of fliers and a genuine desire to do his best, since he wanted to try and help out in the future war effort as much as possible. He went through the park several times over, asking all sorts of people young and old (though not too young or too old. Wouldn't want grandpa to throw his hip out trying to pick up a spear, after all.)
There was one man, Robert, an overweight middle-aged man, who confessed about his lifelong wish about wanting to join the army. Since waist circumference wasn't anywhere on the requirement list and the captain was so sure of his ability to turn anyone into a soldier, Setesh urged the man to come back and enlist. After all, military exercise is one surely effctive way of getting in shape. Another interesting person was a former convict, who figured he may shoot his shot at improving his life. Setesh double checked and the crime wasn't serious enough to ban the man from enlisting, so he would be written down for later contact.
There was also a pair of very jovial twins, who seemed to be convinced they would live a romantic adventure and become objects of desire by becoming a soldier. Nasser didn't really share their viewpoint, but a name on the list was a name on the list, after all.



Rounding up recruits [C-rank] Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:44 am


During short breaks Setesh took to the thing he liked to do the most; thinking. He had devised a more elaborate training plan for himself. He figured that while he had to work on this body to remain stronger, there were also more variables introduced now that he had grown stronger. And so he had to work on his spellwork. He was certain he could learn much stronger spells than before, as his mana reserves grew over threefold over the past couple of weeks. He also knew he had to understand his magic more. Actually understand it, connect it to it. It was necessary for any further growth, as any mage worth their salt needs to fully understand their capabilities and know their weak points. He realized that his path to power was much like a military campaign itself. It was fought every day, with minor and major battles, but it had to be performed very strategically.
Somewhat absentimindedly, Setesh kept giving out the leaflets to civilians, until someone actually engaged with him in a conversation. He was an older gentleman, an army veteran, who saw Setesh recruiting and decided to reminisce abould the good, old days. They spoke for quite a while and traded life stories. As a farewell, the old man urged Setesh to stay kind and strong in the future.
As the day slowly ran its course, it was time to return to Captain Devon with all the names written down on the list. There were 20 in total. A difficult number to measure oneself against, seeing as there was no reference point, but the soldier was satisfied with Setesh's work and thus concluded the contract by paying out the reward. Setesh went home, happy that he had something good that would hopefully bring more goodn in the future. He wanted Fiore to be safe, after all. It was his homeland, even if adopted.


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