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Confronting Corruption [C-Rank Mission]

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Confronting Corruption [C-Rank Mission] Empty Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:16 am


The bitter aftertaste of Tōga's mission still lingered a week later. He had tailed the Rune Knights as instructed, watching as they succumbed to corruption's tempting embrace. It was disturbing how easily human resolve could crumble, unleashing the dark impulses that even devils dared not indulge. Tōga now understood the cunning bait used to catch those willing to sell their pride and souls - the false promises of strength, wealth, legacy. Yet if the cost was one's morality and character, he wondered, could any earthly prize be worth the price? The knights had gained their ill-gotten glory, but at the cost of reputation and honor that no amount of riches could restore. Tōga mulled this over, the sourness of that day still seeping into his thoughts a week later.

Though Tōga lacked the answers now, the experience had furthered his growth. He emerged wiser, with newfound insights into the human heart's fickle nature. His time trailing the corrupted knights had also elevated his standing among the order. No longer a mere private, his name circulated in whispers, marking him as a rising talent. This growing renown brought new challenges to strengthen his skills and deepen his wisdom. Tōga felt the stirring of opportunity, knowing he would soon stand at a crossroads. Would he rise through righteousness to reshape the knights' future? Or succumb to the temptations of power, as so many before him had? The choices ahead would define not just his fate, but the legacy he left behind. For now, Tōga focused on honing his abilities and discernment. When the moment of decision came, he would meet it with courage and clarity of purpose.

WC: 275


Confronting Corruption [C-Rank Mission] Empty Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:17 am


The very next day, Tōga was summoned again to Captain Lionel's quarters. Their initial meeting had set in motion the investigation into corruption amongst the Rune Knights. Perhaps this follow-up concerned those troubling findings? Whatever the reason, Tōga wasted no time heading to the captain's chambers after being called. Upon arrival, he promptly announced himself and was granted entry.

Stepping inside, Tōga's mind churned with questions. How far did this corruption spread? Was anyone above suspicion? He had tread carefully so far, unsure who to trust within the order's ranks. For now, Captain Lionel seemed a stalwart commander. Yet appearances could be deceiving, as Tōga had learned well. He would proceed with caution, discerning friend from foe through more than just words. The Rune Knights' future depended on excising this insidious rot before it destroyed them from within. Tōga stood ready to serve in this vital task, wherever the coming conversations might lead.

After exchanging crisp salutes, Tōga took the offered seat as Captain Lionel directly outlined his task. The investigation into corruption had condemned three knights, their guilt plain and inexcusable. Tōga was to deliver their sentence - either voluntary surrender of their titles and ranks, or forcible removal by day's end.

WC: 203


Confronting Corruption [C-Rank Mission] Empty Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:19 am


Tōga took no pleasure in his role as their judge and jury. But the Knights' integrity depended on excising rotten branches that might endanger the whole tree. Hard decisions had to be made for the order to regain its strength and virtue. Tōga could only move forward in good faith, trusting Captain Lionel's resolve to restore the Rune Knights' tarnished reputation. Together, they would shoulder this burden for the greater good.

Tōga departed Captain Lionel's office steeled for the difficult task ahead. His comrades had already tracked down the locations of the three disgraced knights. Now Tōga merely had to deliver their sentences and handle whatever reactions followed. Even simple missions could carry the heaviest burdens.

Navigating Era's winding streets, Tōga located the first fallen knight. Rage twisted the man's face at the ultimatum, but he reluctantly complied rather than invite harsher punishment. With bitterness, he agreed to voluntarily surrender himself and his rank to Captain Lionel. Tōga felt no elation at this small victory.

The last two disgraced knights had been apprehended together, complicating Tōga's task. He steeled himself and delivered Captain Lionel's ultimatum. Unlike the first, these two reacted with panicked fury, attempting to flee the scene.

WC: 200


Confronting Corruption [C-Rank Mission] Empty Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:20 am


Tōga pursued, realizing too late what truly motivated their desperation. Mere moments ago, the pair had completed another illicit transaction, pocketing a sizable reward for their secrecy. Rather than heed the multiple warnings, they had stubbornly persisted in corruption. Now their pathway narrowed to two equally wretched choices - accept defeat and spend their coin no further, or continue running and abandon their worldly rewards. Greed won out where honor could not. The knights turned to fight, forcing Tōga to employ violent means to subdue them.

The corrupted knights, emboldened by their numbers, thought taking down Tōga would be simple. But they had gravely underestimated the dragon slayer's skill. With almost casual ease, Tōga dispatched the two men with quick, precise strikes, not even needing to employ his dragon slayer magic. The knights crumpled unconscious at his feet.

Tōga stood over their battered forms, contemplating what this meant. If these were the caliber of men the shadier elements in Era relied on for corrupt dealings, then purging the Rune Knights of the rotten and unworthy would be straightforward. The path upwards would be smoother with less competition from those who gained rank through backdoor dealings rather than merit.

A twinge of shame pierced Tōga at the thought. He shouldn't seek to profit from this purge, but rather hope to build an incorruptible foundation for the Rune Knights. There was still much work ahead to unravel how far the rot had spread, and determine who could be trusted as an ally in that monumental task.

WC: 254


Confronting Corruption [C-Rank Mission] Empty Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:21 am


For now, Tōga focused on delivering these two fallen knights for their final reckoning with Captain Lionel. Whatever the future held, Tōga knew with certainty that the Rune Knights' honor and purpose had to be restored, no matter the cost. This he vowed silently to himself as he dragged the disgraced men away. The path ahead remained long and uncertain, but Tōga would walk it unflinchingly.

Tōga was taken aback when he delivered the two beaten knights to Captain Lionel's chambers. A sizable audience had gathered, with many fellow knights looking on. Captain Lionel smiled broadly as Tōga entered with the disgraced men. He immediately launched into publicly denouncing and stripping the two of their ranks, as their peers watched.

Turning to Tōga when finished, Captain Lionel thanked him sincerely for his exemplary service in removing these corrupt elements. Tōga nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the spectacle. He had simply done what was required for the order's integrity, not seeking accolades.

Captain Lionel then focused his attention back on the two humiliated, former knights. "Let all here witness the cost of corruption and betrayal of your sworn vows," he announced. "These men are the cancer we must cut out to keep our order healthy and strong."

Murmurs of assent rose from the gathered knights. Tōga studied their faces, wondering if any shared in the shamed men's guilt. Captain Lionel seemed convinced this public purging and warning would take care of the issue. But Tōga questioned whether it could truly be that straightforward. Unease still lingered within him as he watched the disgraced knights dragged away to whatever final punishment awaited.

WC: 270 [1202]

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