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Ouroboros Pt. 1 (C rank/Solo)

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Ouroboros Pt. 1 (C rank/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:28 pm

The moon hung low over Hosenka's Sakura Alley, casting an ethereal glow on the cobbled streets. Mielle Auclair, guided by the eeriness of the scene, navigated the dimly lit alley with her usual grace. The stillness of the night was disrupted by the presence of Weirdlock Jones, the renowned investigator with his distinctive pompadour and target-patterned kimono.

Mielle approached the crime scene where Weirdlock was meticulously examining the surroundings. The first victim lay nearby, mouth slit open, and fingerprints aplenty. The air carried a tense ambiance as Weirdlock greeted Mielle with a nod, acknowledging her assistance once again.

"Mielle, my dear detective's assistant, we have a perplexing case on our hands," Weirdlock remarked, adjusting his magnifying glass. "Our first victim here," he gestured towards the lifeless figure, "holds many fingerprints. The perpetrator seems to have made a statement. A rather gruesome one." And Mielle couldn't believe there was ANOTHER dead body found in this park.

WC: 159


Ouroboros Pt. 1 (C rank/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:29 pm

He handed Mielle a magical magnifying glass, a tool designed to unveil blood types and fingerprints, promising insight into the mystery at hand. The doll-sized detective peered through the glass, scrutinizing the crime scene with an intense focus.

As Mielle moved along the alley, she traced the telltale signs of the perpetrator's cruelty. The second body, mirroring the first's fatal wounds, proved elusive. She followed Weirdlock's lead, the magnifying glass revealing blood types and fingerprints with each careful scan.

The dim glow of a nearby street lamp revealed another gruesome tableau. The second victim lay hidden, their mouth grotesquely sliced open, matching the macabre signature of the first. Mielle crouched beside the lifeless form, studying the tattoos that marked them as members of the White Star yakuza gang.

The note, bearing the cryptic doodle and the enigmatic message "Hosenka - Ouroboros Pt. 1 C5419a10," captured Mielle's attention. She carefully collected it and presented it to Weirdlock, who examined the note with a furrowed brow.

WC: 168


Ouroboros Pt. 1 (C rank/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:30 pm

"Weird symbols and cryptic messages – the modus operandi of the Black Dragons," Weirdlock mused. "A notorious yakuza gang operating in Hosenka. This adds a layer of complexity to our investigation."

Weirdlock decided to withhold the note from the city guards, a strategic move that only fueled the intrigue. The investigator, ever meticulous, relayed the crucial information to the guards while keeping certain details close to his chest.

In the dimly lit Sakura Alley, Mielle and Weirdlock pressed forward, guided by the cryptic note and the eerie similarity in the victims' gruesome wounds. As they walked, the two discussed the clues, Weirdlock being impressed by Mielle's observations. The night seemed to close in around them, casting long shadows that danced with the fluttering sakura petals.

Weirdlock, with his pompadour standing tall, led the way with a sense of determination. Mielle trailed closely behind, her inquisitive gaze scanning the surroundings. The streets, usually vibrant with life, now echoed with an unsettling quiet.

WC: 161


Ouroboros Pt. 1 (C rank/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:30 pm

As they approached a narrow alley with the looming presence of sakura trees, the magnifying glass clutched in Mielle's doll-like hand hummed faintly, indicating an active magical enchantment. A subtle glow illuminated the path, revealing traces of blood and fingerprints left behind by the Black Dragons.

Weirdlock halted, his eyes narrowing as he observed the marks on the wall. "We're on the right track," he murmured, his voice a low, contemplative rumble.

The duo continued to navigate through the labyrinthine streets, following the invisible trail marked by the magnifying glass. Mielle's Helping Hand floated alongside her, its porcelain fingers twitching in readiness. The air thickened with tension as they neared an abandoned warehouse, the sakura petals casting a ghostly pallor on the scene.

"We're close," Weirdlock announced, his keen investigative instincts leading them toward the heart of the mystery. The magnifying glass guided their path, revealing hidden signs and clues etched into the fabric of the city.

WC: 162


Ouroboros Pt. 1 (C rank/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:31 pm

At the entrance of the warehouse, the air grew heavy with anticipation. Mielle's senses heightened, her doll-like features reflecting a mixture of curiosity and readiness. Weirdlock, never one to shy away from the unknown, pushed open the creaking door.

The warehouse interior unfolded before them, a haunting tapestry of shadows and scattered sakura petals. The magnifying glass illuminated an intricate pattern of bloodstains, leading them deeper into the mysterious underworld of the Black Dragons.

With each step, the tension escalated, until the magnifying glass focused on a particular corner. There, amidst the lingering sakura petals, the second victim lay in grim repose. The macabre scene echoed the modus operandi of the Black Dragons, solidifying the connection between the two murders.

Weirdlock's expression darkened, a mixture of sorrow and determination flickering in his eyes. "We found the second victim, Mielle," he stated solemnly, and the woman nods her head, feeling a tad sick as she stared at the dead eyes.

WC: 162


Ouroboros Pt. 1 (C rank/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:31 pm

The eerie silence of Sakura Alley lingered as Mielle and Weirdlock stood beside the second victim, their investigation leading them to uncover the grim connection. The mysterious note and the matching modus operandi pointed unmistakably to the involvement of the Black Dragons, a notorious yakuza gang entrenched in the shadowy corners of Hosenka.

Weirdlock, his eyes narrowed with a mix of determination and concern, examined the tattoos on the second victim, confirming their affiliation with the Black Dragons. "The Black Dragons, a cunning and elusive yakuza gang. Their actions leave a dark mark on our city," he remarked solemnly. "This note and the specific wounds are their calling card."

As the investigator pondered the implications, Mielle held the magical magnifying glass, its ethereal glow casting an otherworldly light on the crime scene. The doll-sized detective absorbed the gravity of the situation, realizing the depth of the criminal web entangling Hosenka.

WC: 151


Ouroboros Pt. 1 (C rank/Solo) Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:35 pm

Weirdlock, a beacon of authority, decided to report the findings to the city guards. His exchange with the guards was hushed, details carefully selected and shared. Mielle observed the intricate dance between investigator and authority, a testament to Weirdlock's expertise in navigating the complex world of crime and justice.

As the city guards assumed control of the crime scene, Weirdlock turned to Mielle with a keen gaze. "Mielle, my dear assistant, you've proven yourself quite capable in our endeavors. Your keen eye and dedication have aided in unraveling this dark tapestry," he commended, the gravity of the situation reflected in his voice.

Weirdlock extended a thoughtful proposition, "This case, with its ties to the Black Dragons, is far from over. I believe we could benefit from your unique skills and insights in the future. Would you consider assisting me further in solving this mystery and bringing those responsible to justice?"

The pompadoured investigator awaited Mielle's response, recognizing the potential alliance between a mage of Blue Pegasus and the unyielding detective in the face of Hosenka's growing shadows. Mielle only sighs, then a wry smile. "I bet you wouldn't believe I recently loved a murder mystery in this city huh? Well, what's another under my sleeve? Sure I'm in." She says to the man, her new partner, and he gives her a big grin in return.

WC: 232
TWC: 1,036

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