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Metal DS spells

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Metal DS spells Empty Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:19 pm


Name: Metal Claw Left
Rank: A-rank
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Metal Dragon Slayer
Type: Offensive
Element: Arcane
Range: Melee
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The user raises a hand to the side, allowing a magical circle to appear that is the equivalent dimensions of the spell rank in front of the outstretched limb. Afterwards the user's hand becomes covered in a layer of liquid metal that quickly takes the shape of a claw that has the same dimensions as their hand. Due to the properties of Metal Dragon Slayer the Metal Claw has S-rank durability, but once this damage is surpassed will start to damage the user's weapon or limb. This spell inflicts an additional A-rank damage on top of the user's physical attacks.

Name: Metal Claw Right
Rank: A-rank
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Metal Dragon Slayer
Type: Offensive
Element: Arcane
Range: Melee
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The user raises a hand to the side, allowing a magical circle to appear that is the equivalent dimensions of the spell rank in front of the outstretched limb. Afterwards the user's hand becomes covered in a layer of liquid metal that quickly takes the shape of a claw that has the same dimensions as their hand. Due to the properties of Metal Dragon Slayer the Metal Claw has S-rank durability, but once this damage is surpassed will start to damage the user's weapon or limb. This spell inflicts an additional A-rank damage on top of the user's physical attacks.

Name: Metal Carpace
Rank: S-rank
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Metal Dragon Slayer
Type: Offensive
Element: Arcane
Range: Melee
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The user clenches their fists and channels mana through their torso, allowing liquid metal to cover their torso while at the same time the magical circle appears underneath their feet that is equivalent in dimensions to the spell. Upon activating this spell the user is protected from the neck down to their feet in a light but extremely durable armor that is capable of defending the user for 2 S-rank damage before they take damage to their body, while any direct damage to their head inflicts 1 S-rank damage.

Name: Metal Dragon Helm
Rank: S-rank
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Metal Dragon Slayer
Type: Offensive
Element: Arcane
Range: Melee
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Sustain
The user clenches their fists and channels mana through their head, allowing liquid metal to cover their head while at the same time the magical circle appears underneath their feet that is equivalent in dimensions to the spell. Upon activating this spell the user's head is protected in a light but extremely durable armor that is capable of defending the user for 2 S-rank damage before they take damage to their body, while any direct damage to their torso inflicts 1 S-rank damage.

training all these spells please.

Last edited by Ryuko on Thu Feb 08, 2024 4:55 pm; edited 3 times in total


Metal DS spells Empty Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:31 pm

These spells are approved to train.

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