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Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa]

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Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:01 am


WORDS: 240 | Hers n Hers

“Heeheeheehee, soooooo…. you still with me babe~?” Peeling back no small degree of wild brush and giggling as she did so, the goddess with the green gaze known as Sofia Serena let loose a breath and then looked behind herself for a moment as she made sure that her efforts toward guidance has not sent her wonderful wife astray, though did so more out of courtesy than genuine concern. I mean, if she had to guess, rambling through the wilds of valerica was even more up the alley of her beautiful bride than it was her.

“Don’t worry, it’s not tooooo much further~?” Leaving her or perhaps now their family behind at the palace whilst they stole the opportunity to enjoy a little peace and private time with no one other than the woman each of them loved, to the mind of the mischievous mermaid there had been no greater chance than this one to show her something in her homeland which was privy to a chosen few, and therefore with a picnic in hand a ravishing mix of rose and ruffles adorning her frame the fair femme had headed into the wilds to find a hideaway which she had discovered all too many years ago, and shown to no one other than the two most important people in her life. The White Empress was about to join what might have been the most exclusive company in the world, eh?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:45 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Fufufu~... Nowhere else I'd rather be my love~...?", Alisa all but purred as she followed along after her beloved, feeling the soft, grassy soil of the wilderness slowly mixing in with sand, making it clear they were getting closer to the shoreline, as though lured in by the siren's song of the sea. No wonder so many Valericans turned towards the ocean hmm~?

And of course, no example was more fitting than that of her beloved Sofia Serena, who was now guiding her through a mysterious trip. Sofia had been secretive about their destination, and the sheer expectation of it was making her heart race the whole way through as she followed after her lover with a spring in her step, making those frills of her bikini flutter ever so slightly, an almost girly, youthful choice of garment contrasting with the maturity of her frame, yet one echoed by her beloved belle:

"My~... Still impressed that you found yourself in a place like this? Just how long did you spend wandering these parts~?", Alisa mused, her brow arched as she took the lush beauty of her surroundings, admiring those shimmering sunbeams as they shone down from above, lighting the way ahead... Alisa adjusted her ponytail, utterly enthralled by the view, almost as much as by her beloved bride.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:40 pm


WORDS: 270 | Hers n Hers

“Ahahaha, misspent youth~?” The siren smiling as her black beauty questioned her on their destination, Sofia did not deny that her discovery was something she had made what now seemed to be a great many years before this one, and had been very much the product of a girl having a bit too much time on her hands and little to do with it as well. At least, little which she felt like doing, that was.

“There's a bit of a trick to it, really? I don't think anyone would ordinarily go looking for the spot…?” The valerican vixen happy to reveal that her discovery was as much a case of her proving more curious and capable than most who had come before her, the bubbly brunette held out her hand as she led her lover over uneven stone as if they were heading to the edge of a cliff, the sun hung high and hot above their heads as the daring duo left the brush behind, and ultimately came upon a place where the ground as well might disappear behind a person as well.
“But every once in a while, you find a hidden gem~?” The leggy lass holding her wonderful woman back in an effort to make sure the magenta eyed minx did not trip into it as well, instead she merely crouched next to the apparent pit they had discovered and let her beautiful bride look it over, and discover that at the bottom of a few meter drop lay a little beach that the tide had cut into the rock, and often seemed to hide away as well when it was highest too…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:12 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Oh dear, can't imagine how misspent it would have been if we'd known each other back then~?", ALisa could only giggle at Sofia's choice of words, knowing fully well how each other's devilish temptation drew both women further and further, "Ohoo? Did you discover this all on her own?"

And yet she couldn't help but admire her lover's adventurous spirit as she'd managed to find a place and kept it a secret all these years... Alisa accepted her hand, smiling as her digits mingled with her lover's, that warmth rushing up her arm until she finally arrived at the edge of the cliff, brushing a loose lock behind her ear as the wind blew it in front of her face, a trickle of sand falling down the cliff as Alisa looked down at a view that took her breath away:

"Heavens~... So beautiful, Sofia...!", utterly stunned by the sight in front of her, Alisa's jaw dropped as she looked down the hole and into that sunlit beach, hiding amidst the weathered shoreline... Those sunbeams reflecting off the pale sands and the water's edge to create a stunning, dazzling light show against the surface of the rocks that had Alisa utterly transfixed for a moment, before she turned her attention to her lover and got back upright, sliding her arm around he rwoman's waist and smooching her deeply, "Fufufu~... And the beach looks gorgeous too~?"

Just giggling at that teasing, playful little line as her heart raced in her chest. The fact that not a single soul seemed to have ventured here other than them made it clear just what lengths Sofia had gone to preserve this slice of paradise... And now she was showing it to her. There was perhaps, no greater reminder of the unbreakable bond they had than this~


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:42 am


WORDS: 300 | Hers n Hers

“Right? I bet you were so cute back then, I'd have an even harder time keeping my hands off you~?” The girl with the green gaze grinning as her lady love suggested that the two of them would have put a whole new meaning to how to spend one's younger years in a less than amicable fashion, given what she had learned from her black beauty's uncle and the others who knew her in her teens Sofia could guess she might well have been somehow more intrigued by her, and keen on peeling back the layers of supposed gruffness she carried to see the wonder beneath it. Gosh, imagine seeing this minx looking all moody and yet swooning all the same, eh? It was almost worth trying to master time magic to see, eh?

“Heeheehee, yeeeaaahh~? There isn't much of a beach here when the tide is higher, but we get a few hours with a nice lil hideaway just for us~? Longer if a certain water witch speaks nicely to mister ocean~?” The beryl eyed beauty beaming when Alisa asked if this was something she had discovered and nodding with enthusiasm, while there was every chance that a scant soul now and then found it before or even after her she was proud to reveal the reason behind why it was kept so very exclusive to her company as a matter of the simple mechanics of how the world and more accurately the seas worked, and with that revealed she had a little advantage in that area.
“After you, my love~?” It almost seeming the perfect spot really to spend an afternoon in Valerica since the 'skylight' over which they were perched provided enough sun to dry the sand out and the shade provided by the canopy of the cave stopped things getting too hot or risking significant sunburn, Miss Serena was certain that the two of them could have quite the little date in this private little hideaway, and so urged her lover to precede her as they drop down and take full advantage of the amenities within…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:10 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Mmm, I'd hardly call that cute, more~... Young and impressionable?", Alisa rubbed her temple with a hint of redness on her cheeks, thinking back to the vindictve streak and pent up anger she had back in those days. Alisa winked at her gorgeous goddess as she draped one arm around her waist and pecked those luscious lips, feeling that almost electrical tingle as he she felt her lover's warm, smooth skin against her own, her bust squishing softly against Sofia's, "Still, if I'd laid my eyes on you back then... I can only imagine how fast... You'd have swept me off my feet~"

Even with the temptation of her lover's frame against her own, Alisa couldn't help but indulge in Sofia's invitation as she looked down at that dazzling beach down below, already feeling her heartrate quickening a bit at the thought. Of having all of this just for the two of them. Alisa curled her lips, a hint of mischief drawing on her lips as her lover:

"Fufu~... I must be the luckiest woman in the world... To have a gifted beauty like you in my arms~? On that note...", And as her plush pink lips widened into a smirk, Alisa used the leverage she had on Sofia's waist and leaned down, scooping her princess into her arms, holding her tightly and close to her and kissing her luscious lips, leaving not a single moment for protest or even a word other than, "Hang on tighty, okay~?"

And with this, Alisa simply jumped into the hole, holding Sofia's fine, full figured frame against her own. The powerful upwards draft blew their skirts and hair, leaving them fluttering high as the wind whipped against their bare bodies, faster as they fell, until Alisa landed on the soft, welcoming sands, those strong, powerful muscles in her thighs clenched as her legs absorbed the impact like springs for a graceful landing.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:40 am


WORDS: 270 | Hers n Hers

“Mmmm, I'd have loved to leave her with quite the impression~?” The blush which shone in the cheeks of her beautiful bride something which only seemed to intrigue Sofia all the more about the girl she had once been, the brunette couldn't help but wonder if there was a little bit of that person shining through thanks to that colour, and only felt a greater sense of allure in such an impossible notion. Though, she wasn’t about to let the odds of possibility diminish what sounded like quite the wonderful event indeed, if ever some chance came to her~?

“Ooouuuu, teeheeheehee~!” Not that she wasn't any less smitten with the bold and strong woman that Alisa Vollan had become since being a naïve and impressionable teen and especially seeming to love it when her wife scooped her into her arms a moment later, Miss Serena could only squeal and then giggle with delight as she found herself resting in those big and strong arms like a princess, and found that moments like this were the only ones where she wished to live up to the lineage she carried as well.
“Mmmm, my hero, hmmmm~?” Scarcely even seeming to notice how her wonder of a woman vaulted into the chasm since she was so very spellbound by the visage of her vixen the whole time, all that she could do was gaze up in adoration at the fantastic fox for whom she had fallen, and once they had landed upon the sand below wasted little time in tipping those luscious lips toward her own and seizing them in a hungered kiss as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:15 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Heavens~... And with a stunning lover like you... She'd have been oh so eager to impress~?", Alisa felt a smidge embarassed at the kind of mindset she had as a young adventurer... She'd changed so much since then, matured into the woman she was now. So she couldn't help but blush at the mention of her younger self, especially with Sofia so utterly thrilled at the thought of having met her in those days... So much that Alisa's heart fluttered a little at the thought.

Still, it made her all too eager to change the subject and take charge of her woman in return, and while she admired the strength she'd grown since they'd met, while it thrilled her to no end to watch her wonderful water witch tearing through hordes of demons... She couldn't quite get enough of that sound as she scooped her into her arms and plunged into the hole, those gasps and girly giggles making her tingle head to toe and giggle in return as she finally landed, biting her lip, the skirt of her bikini fluttering gracefully:

"Fufufu~... Can't have my beloved princess jumping off cliffs hm~?", Alisa teased her, squeezing her lover close to her even after she landed, holding her there just long enough to savour a long, sensual smooch to those soft, supple lips, her heart racing at the mere proximity to her lover.

Alisa pulled her in closer, the fullness of her soft, pillowy bosom squishing into Sofia's body as she suckled that perfect pout between her own, hearing nothing but the thumping of her heart as her nails brushed the soft skin of Sofia's back, and the siren's song of the sea practically luring her closer:

"Mmmmmmn~... Now... We should probably... Have ourselves a little dip~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:34 am


WORDS: 210 | Hers n Hers

“Teeheeheehe, you know, for once I'm gonna put a pin in that proposal~?” The smiling siren feeling so very comfortable in the grasp of her beautiful bride that she almost felt a note of disappointment when Alisa suggested that they take a dip in the brine which lapped at their little hideaway, given how attached she had been to the ocean throughout her life even Miss Serena was surprised by that feeling of preference she had toward the warmth her wife gave off, and though she chuckled at the suggestion the fair femme couldn’t help but shake her head at it and affirm her desire to enjoy the intimacy that bit longer.
“I'm in no rush, and for now, I'd rather just enjoy the embrace of my wonderful wife rather than the tide~?” The pair of them so very busy and moments of simple warmth and affection seeming to have grown rarer and rarer the longer they had been together, the emerald eyed enchantress couldn't help but long to indulge a moment like this just a little while longer and so stroked the cheek of her beloved gently and then leaned that bit closer so that she might steal another kiss from her, and all the while continued to relish the feeling of closeness and connection which came from their current clinch…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:17 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

Alisa's brow arched for a moment as she heard Sofia's objection... Ordinarily, she'd have jumped at the chance of a little dip in the ocean... But instead clung tightly to Alisa, as she explained her reasoning... And those loving, melodious words made Alisa's eyes widen as a hint of redness drew on her cheeks, her breath catching in her throat:

"Mmmm, you're right babe~... Why go for a swim...", Alisa slowly shifted her body down as she allowed Sofia to rest her back against those soft, silky smooth sands... Her arms still wrapped around her waist as Sofia's caress against her cheeks made her heart skip a beat. Alisa cupped Sofia's hand, and smooched that marvellous mitt, and then returned the kiss to her lips as her lover leaned in, suckling that plush, perfect bottom lip, "When I have my Goddess of the Seas... Right here in my arms~?"

Kissing her lover back slowly, longing, lovingly, Alisa's full bust slowly squished against Sofia's as their bodies mingled oh so sublimely together... her hands drifting up and down the sides of her body as the two slowly settled into a loving, sizzling makeout on the soft sands, with nothing but the crashing waves behind them and the crying seabirds overheard to keep them company:

"Mmmmn~ Sofiaaaa~....", Alisa purred her lover's name, utterly lost in her scent


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:06 am


WORDS: 270 | Hers n Hers

“Yeeeaahhh, we'll be wet enough here, if given half the chance, hm~?” The beryl eyed beauty beaming as her beloved agreed with her on how even the sea could wait for them, there was no way that a mermaid so mischievous as her could have hoped to avoid the little bit of innuendo which was exposed in the disparity between their prospective destinies, and licked her lips toward her lady love as she expressed them shamelessly to make them both smile.
“Heehee, mmmmmnnnnn… Liiisssaaaa~” Soon seeming to be caught with neither the breath nor the will to say much more when her beautiful black haired bride shared that perfect and pillowy pout with her, all that Sofia could do was purr as she suckled on that goodness and clung to her woman tightly, scarcely even noticing the fact that she was being laid into the sand because of how spellbound she was left by the wonder of a woman she had married. And yet, in spite of the bliss she felt, there was a certain sadness she couldn't help but express as well.

“It's a strange thing to say, but I feel like I've really missed you babe…?” Easing back from their kiss for a moment and wrapping both of her hands around the cheeks of her beloved beauty as her green gaze glistened with something tender and vulnerable, Sofia couldn't help but confess an overwhelming longing that lingered within her since long before this moment, and found it a strange thing to feel really. After all, they saw each other so often, and yet still she had yearned for something like this for what felt an eternity…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:24 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Fufufu~... Much wetter than we ever would at the sea?", she purred, bobbing her brows at her beloved belle, giving that plush bottom lip a teasing little suckle, brushing it with her own, teasing her lover's out to mingle

All too often their adventures had pulled the two star crossed lovers apart... Such eventualities couldn't always be avoided, but that in turn made moments like these all that much sweeter, making her heart race madly in her chest... Just like she felt when they fell in love. Their legs entwined as she came to rest atop her lover, hand gliding up those luscious, mouthwatering curves, toying with the edge of her woman's bikini before running down her arm, seeking Sofia's hand to squeeze and interlace her fingers with her:

"Every moment I'm not with you... Is a moment wasted~?", Alisa purred, her hand gliding along the small of Sofia's back, scratching her gently, her cheeks warm against her tocuh as she savoured her soft, luscious lips with gentle, loving kisses, gazing amorously into her eyes as she pressed her big, luscious bust against hers, their bodies meshing oh so sublimely together as Alisa savoured that plush, pillowy pout, spine tingling, heart racing so fast Sofia would feel it through their firmly pressed busts, "Feels like... We've been long overdue? Some time together, just the two of us~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:44 am


WORDS: 250 | Hers n Hers

“Teeheehee, yeeeaaahhhhh! The ocean would envy and covet such moistness~?” There no sweeter satisfaction for this sea side siren than when she could blend together the heights of lewdness with something more saccharine than sugar, the girl with the green gaze couldn't but to giggle and then crow with joy as she traded such perfect innuendo with the woman that she loved, and was left beaming from ear to ear as a result. Though, all too quickly would she find her wonderful wife making her heart throb for entirely different reasons.

“Never… Was a truer word said~?” Unsure of whether or not she should have admitted the feeling of loneliness which saturated her when they were apart and so left with a lump in her throat when her beloved cuddled her close and confirmed the same feeling, beads seemed to form in the corners of those emerald eyes as Sofia chimed in agreement at how much she had wanted this, and smiled as she felt the bitterness of what she had carried melt into something a whole lot sweeter.
“It's like… When I'm with you, I'm in another world~?” Perhaps likely to be guilty in the aftermath for admitting that she would have preferred to spend each and every day with just the two of them, ultimately even after all this time she was still so lovestruck for Alisa that she could never feel complete without her by her side, and when she did have her, well then there simply was nothing which could compare!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:46 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Fufufu~... Not enough water in the ocean to even come close to it~?", Alisa purred as she covered her lover's soft, pillowy pout in soft, tender smooches, rolling the two around the sand until Sofia was on top of her

Letting her gaze up into those gorgeous golden eyes, their bodies glistening with sweat and a fine film of pure white sand as they lazed around in it with nothing but those crashing waves in the background to keep them company. Biting her lip in between kisses her hand lingered on her lover's cheek, the other aorund her waist, squeezing her close, her full bust squishing against Sofia's as their bodies mingled oh so sublimely together... Irresistibly... Her heart fluttering at the words that left her lips:

"And when I'm with you... I never want to leave that world~?", Alisa blushed deeply at Sofia's statement and responded in kind, squeezing her woman tighter, lifting her leg so the inside of her thigh caressed her woman's hip, just letting their bodies mingle... Meeting those misty eyes as her own grew watery... Never wanting to be apart from her for even a second... Nails digging into Sofia's lower back as she clung to that sublime frame and kissed her again with a honeyed, adoring smile, "Fufu~... You know my love... When you think about, we're both... Essentially immortal huh? And I want nothing more than to spend eternity with you."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:47 am


WORDS: 270 | Hers n Hers

“Heeheehee, imagine if we could stay there, all the time~?” The beaming belle seeming only more joyous when her companion confessed that she longed to never leave their own little world, though Sofia was often prone to fits of restlessness and adventurous desire she could well see her needs and wants satisfied with just this one woman in her life to cherish and explore, and shared earnestness in those emerald eyes as she let herself dream a little of living like that. I mean, it would probably never work out, but the fantasy was sweet enough, no~?

“Forever sounds the best when I have you by my side~?” Scarcely thinking about her turn toward that of a demi-god and as such a little surprised when Alisa mentioned the fact that they were basically immortal, the prospect of eternity appeared a daunting one to Miss Serena, if not for the fact that she would have the opportunity to spend it with someone who she loved so much.
“I think it would take me at least five of them to tell you just how much I love the colour of your eyes~?” For that reason the fair fox feeling far less intimidated by the idea of living so very, very long when she had such a muse to keep her intrigued and insighted, she couldn't help but snicker and smile as she looked to the stunner in her grasp and let loose what was likely to be the corniest line she could, before dipping into those lovely lips and sampling a taste which she knew in her heart that no amount of time nor trial could ever make her tire of…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:48 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Mmmm, imagine us setting up our palace there, and never leaving~...? Adventure as long as we wanted together, then come back home.", Alisa purred, thinking back to the adventurous lifestyle the two shared back before the sculptress became Guildmaster of Blue Pegasus, the two of them holding hands as they ventured to the tallest mountains and the deepest oceans.

It may have been just a fantasy but... It With the two of them out here, all alone... It felt very much real, and Alisa's heart raced more and more for that, and she found herself toying with Sofia's silky auburn hair, pecking those plush, pouty lips with her own. Indeed, the two had transcended their mortal coils long ago, and though they had not lived enough to put this to the test, Alisa felt how their bodies had changed since:

"Doesn't it~...? I was thinking the exact same thing~", she purred, giving that plush bottom lip a little suckle as she gazed into those gorgeous green jewels, her hand running up and down Sofia's back, brushing away the fine grains of sand that had since clung to her silky soft skin, brushing Sofia's leg with her own. Corny though the line may be, it worked, as Alisa's cheeks reddened a bit and she found herself leaning in for a taste of those lips once more, warm breaths washing over them as her heart fluttered, "Fufuf~... Heavens, you're such a charmer Sofia~... It's like I'm falling for you all over again my love? Every day I just... Love you more and more~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:51 am


WORDS: 280 | Hers n Hers

“The palace would be nice, but as long as I had you, I wouldn't want for anything else~?” The smile never far from the face of the fair femme as she cuddled with the woman she loved and shared her lips with that pillowy pout, Sofia couldn't help but linger a little to nuzzle that lusciousness before allowing her eyes to open slowly and serenely, and show that there was every bit of truth in her words. She did not need fancy and scarcely needed comfort, but she did need her wife to be happy, didn't she?

“The plan is working, then~?” The siren found snickering soon afterward when Alisa commented on how her words were making her fall in love with her all over again, the girl with the green gaze grinned at such a note and confirmed that all was going according to the proverbial cake as one might say, and though she did so with no small degree of humour in her heart there was also a note of sincerity there as well.
“I just wanted you to feel how I do every day? Like I'm falling for you, every time I see you?” Certainly happy to use what felt like such a wondrous reunion between them to reveal the fact that she wanted to give her beautiful bride the very same feelings she was given by her every time she saw her, the mischief in the smile of the auburn angel seemed once again wash away in favour of something more genuine and affectionate, and she rested her thumbs on the cheeks of her wonder as she nuzzled and smooched that breathtaking beauty again and again, in equal measure…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:55 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Fufu~... My palace is anywhere I can be with you, my love?", Alisa replied without even thinking about it, as much as she loved having a big house to share with her beloved... Just having her woman in her arms was all she needed to be happy... Her skin so warm she couldn't help but caress her back up and down, Alisa basked in her lover's tender warmth, nuzzling her back as she savoured those supple lips, though she couldn't help but flash her a coy, teasing smile through those red cheeks, "Oh my, is that so~...?"

Rolling the two of them on their side, Alisa draped that long, lusious leg around her woman's hips, pulling her into her tighter her lips curled with a mischievous, knowing hint in those glimmering wine red hues:

"Why, Sofia Serena~... Almost sounds like you're trying to seduce me~...?", Alisa purred inbetween kisses, nibbling her bottom lip slightly, nodding back to her words back when they first met... A lot had changed since then, but that day, what Alisa felt was nothing less than love at first sight, that had only grown stronger since they met, "I should warn you... It's working~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:55 am


WORDS: 280 | Hers n Hers

“Always~?” The brunette beaming as her wonder of a woman admitted the sway which she had over her, Miss Serena could not deny the fact that she would forever be seeking to steal time and attention and pieces of the heart of her heroine for her own, and did so without even the slightest hint of shame or attempt to conceal such greedy intent either.
“I could spend all of every day nestled in your sweet embrace, and never want to leave it~?” Certainly not spinning any kind of tale let alone a tall one as she admitted that the happiest place she could be was in the arms of her woman, the emerald eyed enchantress looked to Alisa with a mix of tenderness and perhaps something hotter behind that, and frankly found it something of a trial in moments like these to hold her want back for her beautiful bride. It was a fire that she knew, sooner or later, would consume them both?

“Buuuut, I suppose that would be doing my wonderful home something of a disservice, so… Maybe we should have one little adventure first, hm~?” As such opting to take action before either of them tossed a lit match at the powder keg which was their want for one another, Sofia let loose a heavy breath to steady herself as she rested her forehead upon that of her lady love and decided that all this effort of finding her special spot would go to waste if they didn't at least try to make the most of their venue, and so she shook her head and smiled as she eased back from those kisses and looked to her wife expectantly…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:05 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Mmmmmmn~... Now that sounds like the sweetest slice of paradise a girl could ask for~?", Alisa giggled, clinging tightly to her man, nuzzling that pillowy pout as she rolled a loose auburn lock around her finger, knowing there was no greater reward to their adventures than than simply losing themselves in each other's arms, "I love you so much, Sofia~..."

Alisa leaned in and squeezed her woman close, planting a long, loving kiss on those luscious lips, that sweetness of her taste, the marine scent wafting off her siren~... The softness of her skin. Alisa could have stayed all day here and longer still, nibbling her bottom lip, her want growing the longer she clung to her... Neither could she resist the offer for an adventure, tilting her head slighthly as she arched her brow:

"Maybeeeeee~... I suppose in a beautiful place like this~... We should at least... Explore it a little bit together~?", Alisa purred, parting from her lips as she nibbled her own, gazing into those gorgeous green eyes as she cupped Sofia's cheek... Her breath hot against her lover's lips, that want palpable in every gesture as her heart raced faster... Eventually, she'd make a slooow, paintstaking effort to lift herself to her feet, taking a hold of her woman's hand and helping her up, interlacing those fingers as she ran a hand down her hair and swatted away from of the sand clinging to the side of her body, then adjusted the neckline of her bikini with a soft ripple of her bust, her skin glossy and glistening with sweat from clinging to her woman this whole time, "Sooo~... Where do you suggest we start, my love~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:08 pm


WORDS: ### | Hers n Hers

“I love you even more, my wonderful angel Alisa~?” The green gaze of the girl practically glowing as she looked toward that of her ebony enchantress and heard the woman mention those three words which Sofia spent every moment waiting to hear from her, that she could never ever in all of the eternities grow tired of, once more did she lean in close and nuzzle her lover before planting yet another slow and satisfying smooch on those lips. And then a few more afterward as well.

“Heeheehee, well, I'd say…” Lingering there still and stealing even more snacks and little nibbles from that perfect pillowy pout, the bubbly brunette was only too sure that she might just while away the whole day in this comfort if she was allowed, ultimately she elected to peel herself away with a purr and a gentle giggle, and dusted off a little of the sand as she glanced about a scene which she had almost forgotten when she had been so warmly entrapped within the arms of her lady love.
“It wouldn't be a Sofisa adventure without us getting wet, hm~?” Licking her lips a little as she contemplated the idea of taking her beautiful bride out onto and into the sea but pausing for a moment as she remembered another fun little 'feature' of their environment, with a smile on her face and a flick of her hand the fox began to churn the waters a little as she looked for something even this nook hid; an underwater cave which might carry them to even greater treasures…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Thu May 09, 2024 2:40 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

No matter how many times she heard them... Those three words always made her heart flutter and left her cheeks tinged with redness, as though she were hearing them from the first time:

"Mmmmm, we haven't even started and... I already like where this is going~...?", Alisa chimed teasingly, her words laced with innuendo as much as her lover's as she bobbed her brows at her with a captivating smile, nibbling her plush bottom lip as she held her lover's hand, gently rubbing her thumb along the back of that marvellous mitt, feeling a tingle shooting up her arm as that intimate, soothing sense of connection that she could never get enough of... Almost as much as she loved the sight of her effortlessly weaving the waters in a clear reminder that they were in her woman's natural environment, "Fufufu~... Have I mentioned how i love watching you do that~...?"

With these alluring words, Alisa leaned in, her chin resting on her lover's shoulder from behind, her full bust coming to rest against Sofia's back, her words husky and seductive, yet not so much as to tempt her woman away from the thrill of adventure and into something else entirely... Only to gawk, wide eyed as the secret passageway was revealed before her eyes:

"Oh my~... So there's a cave system hiding under these caves hmm~... Fufufu~... When you think about it, a place like this, a union of stone and water...", Alisa felt a tingle shoot up her spine as she stepped forward, looking into the cave, holding those joined hands as she shot an amorous, adoring look at her lover, giggling at the name for their dashing duo that her lover had come up with, "Feels almost like the perfect place for Sofisa hmm~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Thu May 09, 2024 2:41 pm


WORDS: 230 | Hers n Hers

“Heeheehee, not today, at least~?” The girl with the green gaze giggling as her beautiful black bride spoke with such sweet sentimentality about how she took control of their environment, Sofia could not confirm nor deny whether or not her amazing amazon had mentioned her fondness before today though suspected that this might be a case of her memory being selective, but ultimately reasoned within a relatively decent margin that this would be the first she was hearing of such news on this particular cycle of day and night.

“Yeeeaaahhhh, a bunch of em? They get pretty dark in places though~?” Smiling meanwhile as she found the entryway which she had been searching for and then welcoming the fingers of the femme with her own, the bubbly brunette beamed as she wove their deft digits together, and then revealed the fact that these tunnelling orifices would no doubt be absent of most forms of light.
“You might have to stick close~?” As such seeming to use a little of the light magic she had retained to turn her fingertip into a little torch while squeezing the mitt of her marvellous mate tight with her other hand, she tugged at the latter gently as she lowered a foot into the mouth of this underwater cave and drooped into it slowly and serenely, before waiting for her wonderful wife to do the same…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 3:33 pm



WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

Alisa could only bite her lip as she admired her lover effortlessly weaving the waves and clearing the way for the two of them to venture through, but nothing quite thrilled her as much as slipping her fingers between those of her dazzling diva, squeezing that marvellous mitt as Sofia's warmth filled her to the core:

"Oh heavens, is that so~...? Then, I suppose we'll have no choice but...", Alisa's brow arched as she flashed her a mock look of worry, as though troubled by Sofia's words as she simply squeezed her woman closer to her, pulling gently on their joined hands, her toes shifting through the sands as she shuffled closely to her woman, and finally giggled as her like minded mate said exactly the same words Alisa was thinking about, making the tall sculptress bite her lip, "My~... Took the words right out of my mouth Sofia~?"

And with these words, Alisa squeezed close enough to press her bust gently against Sofia's arm as she leaned in for a soft, loving smooch to her cheek, before following in after her, crouching under the roof of the cave as she rose one hand over her head, feeling the oddly smooth surface of the rock overhead, carved and chiseled over by the flowing water:

"Oh dear~... To think this beach was hiding a secret like this~?", as soon as she stepped in, Alisa could only marvel at the natural beauty, Sofia's light beaming off the lingering stream of water running next to their feet, a dazzling shimmer lighting the way ahead


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 12:34 pm


WORDS: ### | Hers n Hers

“Heeheehee, I had no intention of doing anything but~?” Sliding her arm around the sensuous sculptress and smiling, Miss Serena hummed as she squeezed the two of them together and leaned into her lover to nuzzle her, while admitting that the biggest part of what she loved about their next little venture was the intimacy which they would find in both the water and the darkness too.
“Here…?” In that spirit leaning closer as she remembered that she had one last gift to lay upon her lover in order to equip them for what followed, the mischievous mermaid planted a smooch upon those luscious lippies as she shared some of her mana and the spell which game with it, and through that offered Alisa the ability to breathe in the water just like she now could as a descendant of the great Poseidon. Handy, huh?

“Even Uncle Nik… Hasn't been down here with me~?” Smiling once she had done so and then gently seeming to ease them both deeper and deeper still so that the water swallowed them entirely, Sofia squeezed the fingers that she had knitted into her own and then smiled, before revealing that her lady love was about to join the most exclusive club she might be able to offer. After all, these caves, as far as she knew, had been hers alone until today right?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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