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What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral)

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What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:52 pm


Yuurei and Renji were relaxing in the office. While doing this, they were waiting for something to do today. The two of them wanted more money for the guild and themselves. The Nephilim was in his office though as he was just approving things and making sure that there was nothing being missed. He continued his work and eventually, somebody would come with a job for them to do. Renji was on the desk of the office, and he was relaxing and resting. He was waiting for something to happen. Soon enough, someone would knock on the door.

Renji would open one eye to see who it was behind the door. Yuurei would stop working and he would lean on his chair as he figured they were waiting for him to answer him.

“Come on in.” He said to the person behind the door.

They would enter the place and they would look at Renji and they would look at Yuurei before walking toward him.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:55 pm


The messenger would walk over to Yuurei without a problem. His guild master was friendly and he knew that much. When he walked over to the desk, he had grabbed the letter that was in his bag, and he would hand it over to the light mage. He would push it on his desk as he was looking at him with a smile on his face. Yuurei would take the letter and move it closer to him before he actually picked it up and opened it. When he did that, he would notice that it had come from Mr. Cliff. He would read through it and knew what he wanted from him and Renji.

The messenger saw that Yuurei was reading the letter, so his job was done. He would walk away while they were doing their own thing. He closed the door while Yuurei was finishing up with the letter. He would chuckle a bit as he shook his head side to side before putting the letter on his desk.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 6:22 pm


Yuurei would get up from his chair and he would look over to the Exceed. He would stretch his arms into the air, and he would sigh as if they were going to be mining today.

“We got a mission from Mr. Cliff. Apparently, he wants us to mine for one of his buyers. It seemed like he needs a large batch from us. I don’t think it should be that hard, but I figured I would let you know before we go on our way.” He said to Renji as he waited for him.

Renji would get up from his resting place. He would walk over to Yuurei he would climb on his shoulder and he looked over at Yuurei’s face.

“Yeah, I mean we getting paid so I don’t really care what we got to do. Just lead the way and I will be there.” He said to Yuurei as he waited for him to be on his way.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 6:25 pm


Yuurei would nod when he heard Renji and he would walk over to the window as he would open it. He would find himself sprouting wings from his back as he had jumped out the window. When he did that, he would turn quickly to close the window. Once that was done the Nephilim would start flying toward their destination. He was quick in the air as it was the same as if he was on foot. He moved through the place without a problem. He had been to this place many times before and this time it wouldn’t be any different.

As he continued to move through the area, he would see the mines from down below. It was nice to see the area and it was a place that he could enjoy from above. When he got close to the area, Yuurei would descend toward the ground before he got close to anybody around the place.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 6:41 pm


When he landed on the ground, he would disperse his transformation as he didn’t need it anymore. He also made sure nobody was around because he didn’t want to affect them with his transformation. Now that he was in the clear, the Nephilim started walking toward the entrance of the mine. He knew that Mr. Cliff would be waiting for them there. While walking, Renji would climb off Yuurei and would start walking by his side. They would see people around them and they would wave at them. They didn’t get the same love back and it was because they knew why they were here.

It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei and Renji would make their way to the entrance of the mine and there they would see the three men that they were used to seeing all the time. They would look over at them and have a smile on their face as they stopped walking any closer to Mr. Cliff.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:53 pm


Mr. Cliff was happy as he would take a step closer to Yuurei.

“I see you arrived. I’m excited because that is a nice opportunity that will make more money. I need you to be the one to get me the materials though. I will pay you good money so can you do it.” He asked Yuurei waiting for an answer.

Yuurei would look over to Renji and then look at Mr. Cliff.

“Sure we’ll take on the job you want us to do.” He said to Mr. Cliff.

Mr. Cliff would smile and nod a bit as he was excited to hear that from Yuurei. He would look over to the bodyguards and they would nod at him. They would walk over to Yuurei and they would hand him the hardhat and the pickaxe. The Nephilim would look at the hardhat to make sure that it was in good condition, and once he could confirm that it was, he would move onto the pickaxe.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:56 pm


He would look at the pickaxe and he would check it out. He would swing it in the air and away from everyone. He would check to see if everything was fine, and when he saw that it was all good, the light mage would walk past everyone.

“I guess I will be on my way. Let’s go.” He said to everyone as Renji would follow Yuurei.

The two of them would enter the mine without hesitation as they would venture in now. The lights in the mine were good and it allowed him to move around without struggling. That was good and Renji didn’t have to be so close to Yuurei. They kept moving through the mines as they were just trying to do this quickly for Mr. Cliff. It wouldn’t take long, but the two of them would make their way to the fork on the road and they would go on the left side today.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:59 pm


Yuurei and Renji continued walking through the tunnel and it wouldn’t take long for them to get to the other side. When they did, the two would see that there wasn’t a soul in sight. That was a good thing for them as they kept pushing through the mines. Their steps were quick as their entire time traversing through the cave, there was nobody in sight. The light mage also remembered how long the walk was in these mines because of where all the leftover resources were located.

The berserker kept moving as he was expecting that nobody would be here besides the two of them. It would take quite some time, but they would be able to reach their location. The place had a bunch of materials around the area. It was a beautiful sight to see and honestly, he could look at it for hours. Instead, he knew that he and Renji were going to have to go to work right now.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 8:30 pm


Yuurei would start hammering away at the walls as he was trying to start his job. He would continue hammering away and he would make work of the wall in front of him. This was good as he would loosen the materials in front of him and he would see them drop to the floor. When he saw this, he would look over to Renji and nod as he moved on to the next area to gather materials. When he was ready, he would start working his way around the wall to make sure that he would get what he needed.

It wouldn’t take long, but he would finish that side and he would smile at Renji and move on to the next area. The Exceed would pick up all the materials that were on the ground and would put them in the bag as it wouldn’t increase the weight. Renji would run toward Yuurei as he was expecting the materials to be on the ground when he got there.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 8:49 pm


Yuurei and Renji would continue working through the mines together. When Renji got to Yuurei, the light mage would have the materials finished and on the ground for Renji to pick up. The Nephilim kept moving through the area and the two of them continued working for hours. They made sure that nothing bad would happen within the area as he didn’t want another cave-in to happen. Still, they work through it all, and soon enough they would be done with all their work. The light mage would wipe his brow and Renji would shake his body around.

“Are you ready to get out of here?” He asked Renji.

Renji would look at him with a smile on his face as he was ready to get out of here and into a shower.

“Yes, let’s go and give this man his stuff. I don’t want to see him for another week.” He said as there was something wrong with Mr. Cliff but he was not someone people enjoyed being around.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 8:52 pm


Yuurei and Renji were going through the mine together. They didn’t see anybody on their way throughout the cave, but that was to be expected. They did a lot of moving around and soon enough they would make it through the fork in the road. It wasn’t bad and when they got to the end of the road, they would see a light at the end of the tunnel. The two of them would walk through the place and they would soon see Mr. Cliff waiting for them. He would be smiling at them because he knew they had done their job. He looked over to Renji and the Exceed would shake his head. He would open his bag and all the materials that they collected would fall into the wheelbarrow without a problem.

Once they were done with that Mr. Cliff would hand Yuurei the money that he deserved. The Nephilim would hand over the equipment to the bodyguards as well and from there he and Renji would be on their way home.

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